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[英]R - use of ddply to extract p value from an ANOVA

I am stuck on a bit of analysis using the ddply function. 我被困在使用ddply函数的分析上。

The dataframe ( long.format ) structure is as follows: 数据帧( long.format )结构如下:

'data.frame':   2058 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ tertile : Factor w/ 3 levels "1","2","3": 2 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ variable: Factor w/ 21 levels "age","ht","wt",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ value   : num  57 57 65 58 59 56 63 63 68 58 ...

I have used ddply to perform anova of $variable across $tertile using $value as follows: 我已经使用ddply使用$ value跨$ tertile执行$ variable的变量方差分析,如下所示:

aovfun <- function(x)  aov(tertile~value,x)
y <- ddply(long.format, .(variable), aovfun)

The subsequent database gives me the intercept and slope but is there way i can extract individual P values as well? 后续的数据库为我提供了截距和斜率,但是有没有办法我也可以提取单个P值?

I have attached a code for an example data.frame as below: 我已为以下示例数据附加了代码:

tertile = rep(1L:3L,9) 三分位= rep(1L:3L,9)

age=rnorm(9,60,5) 年龄= RNORM(9,60,5)

ht=rnorm(9,157,10) HT = RNORM(9,157,10)

wt=rnorm(9,70,5) 重量= RNORM(9,70,5)

df <- data.frame(tertile,age,ht,wt) df <-data.frame(tertile,age,ht,wt)

long.format <- melt(df,id=c("tertile")) long.format <-melt(df,id = c(“ tertile”))

Try: 尝试:

 aovfun <- function(x) aov(value~tertile,x)
 ddply(long.format, .(variable), 
       function(x) summary.aov(aovfun(x))[[1]][["Pr(>F)"]])[,-3]

 #  variable         V1
 #1      age 0.06676654
 #2       ht 0.23854030
 #3       wt 0.88039549

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