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[英]Java autoboxing and unboxing

I am trying to convert and array ints to a List however every time I try I get a compilation error. 我正在尝试将int转换和数组化为List,但是每次尝试都会出现编译错误。

   List<Integer> integers = toList(draw.getToto6From49().getFirstRound());

// getFirstRound() returns int[] ; 

and here is my to toList method 这是我的toList方法

public class ArraysUtil {

 public static <T> List<T> toList(T[] ts) {
  List<T> ts1 = new ArrayList<>();
  Collections.addAll(ts1, ts);
  return ts1;

java: method toList in class com.totoplay.util.ArraysUtil cannot be applied to given types; java:com.totoplay.util.ArraysUtil类中的toList方法不能应用于给定类型;

  required: T[]
  found: int[]
  reason: inferred type does not conform to declared bound(s)
    inferred: int
    bound(s): java.lang.Object

Yes, you can't do that, basically. 是的,您基本上不能这样做。 You're expecting to be able to call toList with a type argument of int , and Java doesn't allow primitives to be used as type arguments. 您期望能够使用类型参数int调用toList ,并且Java不允许toList语用作类型参数。 You basically need a different method for each primitive you want to handle like this, eg 对于每个要处理的原语,基本上都需要一个不同的方法,例如

public static List<Integer> toList(int[] ts) {
  List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(ts.length);
  for (int i in ts) {

At least, that's the case in Java 7 and before. 至少在Java 7和更低版本中就是这种情况。 In Java 8 it's slightly simpler: 在Java 8中,它稍微简单一些:

int[] array = { 1, 2, 3 };
IntStream stream = Arrays.stream(array);
List<Integer> list = stream.boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());

It's because primitive types don't play nicely with generics. 这是因为基本类型不能很好地与泛型一起使用。 All generics need to be treatable as objects, and primitives can't be. 所有泛型都必须被视为对象,而原语则不能。 More Detail 更多详情

In Java 8 you can do this: 在Java 8中,您可以执行以下操作:

List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(101); // autoboxing will work
int aValue = list.get(0); // autounboxing will work, too

Specifying the Integer type in angle brackets (< Integer >), while creating the List object, tells the compiler that the List will hold object of only Integer type. 在创建List对象时,在尖括号中指定Integer类型(<Integer>)会告诉编译器List将仅保留Integer类型的对象。 This gives the compiler freedom to wrap and unwrap your primitive int values while you work with the List object 这使编译器可以在使用List对象时自由包装和解开原始int值。

from the book: Beginning Java 8 Fundamentals 书中的内容:入门Java 8基础

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