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[英]Python Global Variable Not Working

I have an extremely long program for a Canasta game that I am writing, in it there is a variable that ends the turn of the player if it equals a certain value. 我正在编写的Canasta游戏有一个非常长的程序,其中有一个变量,如果变量等于某个值,该变量将结束玩家的回合。 However, the turn repeats itself. 但是,转弯会重复。

I have read many different articles and posts on forums like this one, but none of these seem to work. 我在类似这样的论坛上阅读了许多不同的文章和帖子,但这些似乎都没有用。 I even have a debug system to print the value of the variable before the if statement, and the variable is the right value, but the if statement doesn't see the same value. 我什至有一个调试系统,可以在if语句之前打印变量的值,并且该变量是正确的值,但是if语句看不到相同的值。

I can't give the entire code, as it is extremely long, but I can give the sections that use this variable. 我不能给出整个代码,因为它很长,但是我可以给出使用该变量的部分。 I am using Python 2.7.2 and cannot make files separate from the main file to import. 我正在使用Python 2.7.2,无法将文件与要导入的主文件分开。

The first line of the program is: 该程序的第一行是:


The following function is called when conditions to win the game are met, but I have not been able to test that this works because of the bug. 当满足赢得游戏的条件时,将调用以下函数,但是由于该错误,我无法测试该函数是否有效。

def winGame(player):
    global endTurn

The following function is called when a move is made. 进行移动时将调用以下函数。 The variable decide is a raw_input() variable. decide的变量是raw_input()变量。

def move(player,decide):
    global endTurn
    #if player says to end turn
    if theMove=="end":
        #until player discards something
        while not discarded:
            #ask player for discard
            discard=int(raw_input(" Enter the list number of the card you wish to discard:"))-1
            #if discard ID is in player's hand length
            if not discard<0 and not discard>len(player["hand"])-1:
                #add card to discard pile and remove from hand
        debug("Before changing, endTurn is %s"%str(endTurn))
        endTurn = 0
        debug("After changing, endTurn is %s"%str(endTurn))
    if theMove=="new book":
    if theMove=="add to book":

Here is where the turn should be ended. 这是转弯应该结束的地方。 turn(thePlayer) repeats the function. turn(thePlayer)重复该功能。 The debug statement shows the correct value, 0, but the if still reads a 1. The function this is in also has the global endTurn at the top. debug语句显示正确的值0,但是if仍然读取1。此函数还在顶部具有global endTurn

debug("If ending turn, endTurn of %s should be 0."%str(endTurn))
if endTurn==1:

Any help is greatly appreciated! 任何帮助是极大的赞赏!

EDIT: The code is available at http://labs.codecademy.com/CV9z#:workspace . 编辑:该代码位于http://labs.codecademy.com/CV9z#:workspace I ask that anyone viewing the code does not modify it, so that other people can see the true code. 我要求查看该代码的任何人都不要对其进行修改,以便其他人可以看到真实的代码。

I fixed the bug. 我已修复该错误。 I removed the endTurn variable and instead made the function that ends the turn just do the turn of the next player. 我删除了endTurn变量,而是制作了结束回合的功能,只是进行下一个玩家的回合。 It also simplified my code a bit. 这也简化了我的代码。

I am wondering though, is using this method of running a function inside of itself over and over and over again (without leaving) rather messy or maybe slowing down my program? 我想知道,是否正在使用这种方法在自身内部一遍又一遍地运行一个函数(不离开),却很杂乱,或者可能会使我的程序变慢?

EDIT: I now realize that this answer does not exactly help with anyone else who is stuck with global variables... 编辑:我现在意识到,这个答案并不能完全帮助那些陷入全局变量的人。

The previous answer I posted was just wrong, as it was based on a misinterpretation of the namespace docs as I had read them (Thanks to TheifMaster for pointing out my error), so this is a SEVERELY EDITED ANSWER: 我发布的上一个答案是错误的,因为它是基于我阅读它们时对名称空间文档的误解(感谢TheifMaster指出了我的错误),所以这是一个经过严格编辑的答案:

The problem is in the while loop that I was able to read when the link to the entire code was posted after the erroneous answer I gave earlier. 问题出在while循环中,当我在前面给出的错误答案后发布了指向整个代码的链接时,我能够读取它。

while gameWinner==0:
    if not gameWinner==0:

The game can never get to player two in this loop until gameWinner!=0. 直到gameWinner!= 0,游戏才能在此循环中到达第二位玩家。 I added the entire code to my sandbox and changed it to: 我将整个代码添加到沙箱中,并将其更改为:

while gameWinner==0:
    if gameWinner==0: #if player1 did not win yet

However, the game is still buggy... No one can win! 但是,游戏仍然存在错误……没有人能赢! gameWinner is not changed globally by the winGame() function until you add it to the global statement as I have shown here. 除非您将它添加到global语句中,否则不会通过winGame()函数来全局更改gameWinner,如我在此处所示。

def winGame(player):
    global endTurn, gameWinner
    debug("gameWinner == " + str(gameWinner))

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