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[英]Disk Arbitration and OK button issue

The code below is used to get the list of disks 下面的代码用于获取磁盘列表

    DASessionRef session;

    session = DASessionCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault);
    DARegisterDiskAppearedCallback(session, NULL, disk_appeared_callback, (void *)NULL);
    DASessionScheduleWithRunLoop(session, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);

The IBAction for the OK button is: [self da_tools] ; OK按钮的IBAction是: [self da_tools] ;

The callback function disk_appeared_callback works perfectly and give the right information. 回调函数disk_appeared_callback可以完美工作并提供正确的信息。

The problem happens at CFRunLoopRun() when the OK button is hit: 单击确定按钮时, CFRunLoopRun()会发生问题:

  • the CFRunLoopRun() take many seconds to execute or never end. CFRunLoopRun()需要花费几秒钟来执行或永不结束。
  • The callback function disk_appeared_callback itself is executed in milli-seconds time. 回调函数disk_appeared_callback本身以毫秒为单位执行。

However any key press to the keyboard (or a mouse click everywhere (and sometime just a mouse move)) force CFRunLoopRun() to exit and the callback function disk_appeared_callback is promptly executed. 但是,任何对键盘的按键操作(或在任何地方单击鼠标(有时只是鼠标移动))都将强制CFRunLoopRun()退出,并立即执行回调函数disk_appeared_callback

When CFRunLoopRun() is removed da_tools does not return any disk information at the first OK button hit but subsequent OK button hit returns the correct disk information. 当删除CFRunLoopRun()时da_tools在第一次单击OK按钮时不返回任何磁盘信息,但随后单击OK按钮则返回正确的磁盘信息。

I have tried to include da_tools in an another thread: 我试图在另一个线程中包含da_tools

[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(da_tools) toTarget:self withObject:nil]

but this doesn't help. 但这无济于事。

I also tried to post a keydown event but this fails too. 我也尝试发布一个keydown事件,但这也失败了。

How to use CFRunLoopRun correctly? 如何正确使用CFRunLoopRun

Please do not to use call CFRunLoopRun(); 请不要使用调用CFRunLoopRun(); method separately and please not release session CFRelease(session); 方法,请不要释放会话CFRelease(session); because you will not received any callback later on. 因为您以后将不会收到任何回调。

How to established session with DiskArbitration and listen via callbacks? 如何与DiskArbitration建立会话并通过回调进行监听?

Creating DA session and schedule session run loop: 创建DA会话并安排会话运行循环:

// Disk Arbitration Session
DASessionRef session = DASessionCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault);
if (!session) {
    [NSException raise:NSGenericException format:@"Unable to create Disk Arbitration session."];

NSLog(@"Disk Arbitration Session created");

// schedule DA session run loop
DASessionScheduleWithRunLoop(session, CFRunLoopGetMain(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

If you like to listen for all disk events including internal one. 如果您想监听所有磁盘事件,包括内部事件。 Then Pass NULL while registering callbacks. 然后在注册回调时传递NULL

Else create a matching condition for your callbacks. 否则为您的回调创建一个matching condition For example: following condition for external hard disk, memory disk connects via USB. 例如:对于外部硬盘,在满足以下条件时,存储磁盘通过USB连接。

// Matching Conditions
CFMutableDictionaryRef match = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);

// Device matching criteria
// 1. Of-course it shouldn't be internal device since
CFDictionaryAddValue(match, kDADiskDescriptionDeviceInternalKey, kCFBooleanFalse);

// Volume matching criteria
// It should statisfy following
CFDictionaryAddValue(match, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeMountableKey, kCFBooleanTrue);
CFDictionaryAddValue(match, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeNetworkKey, kCFBooleanFalse);

Look at DADisk.h , we add more conditions for your need. 查看DADisk.h ,我们将为您添加更多条件。

Registering Callbacks with DiskArbitration, more info on callbacks here - 使用DiskArbitration注册回调,有关回调的更多信息,在这里 -

NSString * const AppName = @"DAApp";

// Registring callbacks
DARegisterDiskAppearedCallback(session, match, DiskAppearedCallback, (__bridge void *)AppName);
DARegisterDiskDisappearedCallback(session, match, DiskDisappearedCallback, (__bridge void *)AppName);
DARegisterDiskDescriptionChangedCallback(session, match, NULL, DiskDescriptionChangedCallback, (__bridge void *)AppName);

// And now release match

... Application things goes around...** ...应用程序随处可见... **

Finally Unregister and release everything. 最后,取消注册并释放所有内容。 Typical place is application terminate or dealloc. 典型的地方是应用程序终止或释放。

// DA Session
if (session) {
    DAUnregisterCallback(session, DiskAppearedCallback, (__bridge void *)AppName);
    DAUnregisterCallback(session, DiskDisappearedCallback, (__bridge void *)AppName);

    DASessionUnscheduleFromRunLoop(session, CFRunLoopGetMain(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

    NSLog(@"Disk Arbitration Session destoryed");

I hope it helps! 希望对您有所帮助!

BTW, for DA Approval Session like this BTW,用于像这样的DA批准会议

// Disk Arbitration Approval Session
DASessionRef approvalSession = DAApprovalSessionCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault);
if (!approvalSession) {
    NSLog(@"Unable to create Disk Arbitration approval session.");

NSLog(@"Disk Arbitration Approval Session created");
DAApprovalSessionScheduleWithRunLoop(approvalSession, CFRunLoopGetMain(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

// Same match condition for Approval session too
DARegisterDiskMountApprovalCallback(approvalSession, match, DiskMountApprovalCallback, (__bridge void *)AppName);

// may need CFRelease(match); based code sequence!

Finally unregister and release. 最后注销并释放。

// DA Approval Session
if (approvalSession) {
    DAUnregisterApprovalCallback(approvalSession, DiskMountApprovalCallback, (__bridge void *)AppName);

    DAApprovalSessionUnscheduleFromRunLoop(approvalSession, CFRunLoopGetMain(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

    NSLog(@"Disk Arbitration Approval Session destoryed");

For more info on above code snippets here . 有关以上代码的详细信息网页摘要这里

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