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即使未启用ASP.Net MVC DropDown验证错误

[英]ASP.Net MVC DropDown validation error even though not enabled

I have a property called Campus2Id that being rendered as a dropdown using the built-in HtmlHelper in Razor. 我有一个名为Campus2Id的属性,可以使用Razor中的内置HtmlHelper呈现为下拉列表。 By default, unobstrusive and jquery validate is enabled. 默认情况下,启用unobstrusive和jquery验证。

When I do a form submit, somehow the ModelState shows that there is an error for that property; 当我提交表单时,ModelState会以某种方式显示该属性存在错误; however, I did not add any validation attribute like Required to that property. 但是,我没有向该属性添加任何必需的验证属性。

Is there a reason why Mvc marks this property having a validation error? Mvc是否将此原因标记为此属性具有验证错误?

Model 模型

[Display(Name = "Campus")]
public Int32 Campus2Id { get; set; }

View 视图

<div class="form-group">
    @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Campus2Id, new { @class = "sr-only" })
    @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Campus2Id, new SelectList(Model.Campuses, "Id", "ShortName"), Model.CampusesLabel, new { @class = "form-control" })
    @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Campus2Id)

The error seems to be that the required validation is getting triggered on the Campus2Id field even though I did not specify [Required] attribute. 错误似乎是即使我未指定[Required]属性,所需的验证也会在Campus2Id字段上触发。


I would suggest making the Campus2Id nullable. 我建议使Campus2Id可为空。

That should resolve the validation error. 那应该解决验证错误。

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