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asp.net mvc jquery下拉列表验证

[英]asp.net mvc jquery dropdown validation

how i can validate dropdownlist with unobtrusive javascript ? 我如何用不引人注目的javascript验证dropdownlist? As its validating textbox for required validator , but its not working for dropdownlist ? 作为验证所需验证器的文本框,但它不适用于下拉列表?

Need to change unobtrusive js file for it ? 需要为它改变不显眼的js文件吗? or is there any other option to validate dropdownlist ? 或者还有其他选项来验证下拉列表吗?

i want to show errors when i checked form.validate() in my javascript . 我想在我的javascript中检查form.validate()时显示错误。

    $(function () {
            rules: {
                ProductCategoryList: {
                    required: true

            messages: {
                ProductCategoryList: {
                    required: "This field is required"


<asp:ListItem Value="">- Select Something -</asp:ListItem>

If you want to integrate the validation jQuery you need to specify the field 如果要集成验证jQuery,则需要指定字段

Use DropDownListFor not DropDownList 使用DropDownListFor而不是DropDownList

@Html.DropDownListFor(c => c.Profile_Id, null, "-- Choose --", new { @class = "input-large" })

If your list has the same name as the field, you don't need to put ViewBag.Profile_Is as SelectList because it doesn't work for the edit scenario if you send a null value in list. 如果列表与字段具有相同的名称,则不需要将ViewBag.Profile_Is as SelectList因为如果在列表中发送空值,则它不适用于编辑方案。

Markup 标记

        <label for="ProductCategoryList">Product Categories</label>
        <%= Html.DropDownList("ProductCategoryList", ViewData["ProductCategories"] as SelectList)%>

And the validation script 和验证脚本

            function (value, element) {
                return this.optional(element) || element.selectedIndex != 0;
           "Please select an option."

        $(function () {
                rules: {
                    ProductCategoryList: {
                        selectNone: true

                messages: {
                    ProductCategoryList: {
                        selectNone: "This field is required"

I got this working by creating a property on the Viewmodel which is used for binding to the selecteditem in the DropDownList. 我通过在Viewmodel上创建一个属性来实现这个功能,该属性用于绑定DropDownList中的selecteditem。 An example will make it clear: 一个例子会说清楚:

The code in the View: 视图中的代码:

        <div class="editor-field">
           @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SelectedPlantID,
                                 new SelectList(Model.Plants, "Value", "Text"),
                                 " ", new { id = "ddlPlant" })

          @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.SelectedPlantID)

The code in the ViewModel will be(strongly typed to the view): ViewModel中的代码将(强烈键入视图):

            private List<SelectListItem> _plants = new List<SelectListItem>();
    [Display(Name = "Plant")]
    public List<SelectListItem> Plants
            return (_plants);

            _plants = value;

    public Guid SelectedPlantID

Note : the SelectedPlantID does not have to be a field on your model. 注意:SelectedPlantID不必是模型上的字段。

Hope this works for you! 希望这对你有用!

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