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[英]How to register click using class and get the id of the clicked item in jquery?

im developing a webpage there i need to register a click in jquery using the items class and then get the id of that object. 我正在开发一个网页,我需要使用items类在jquery中注册一个点击,然后获取该对象的ID。

Example: 例:

html: HTML:

<div class="exampleclass" id="exampleid1"></div>
<div class="exampleclass" id="exampleid2"></div>

jquery: jQuery的:

Function to get the id

You should use .attr() for get attribute id from NodeElement. 您应该使用.attr()作为从NodeElement获取属性ID的方法。 In your callback function context this is current element where click was maded. 在您的回调函数上下文中, this是单击的当前元素。

$('.exampleclass').click(function() {
    var id = $(this).attr('id');

Try 尝试

    var id = $(this).attr('id');

use 采用

$(this).attr("id") , or this.id $(this).attr("id")this.id


   var theID = this.id;

The callback function gets the execution context set to the element that triggers the event so this will refer to the element. 回调函数获取设置为触发事件,因此该元素的执行上下文this将涉及到的元素。 As such you can access the different dom properties through it. 这样,您可以通过它访问不同的dom属性。

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