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[英]Jquery how to use $(this) to get value of clicked item?

I have trouble getting value of particular item that I'd clicked 我无法获得我点击过的特定物品的价值

    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <p>test 1</p>
    <p>test 2</p>
  • I'd tried $(this).find("button").html() , but it will return the value of 1st button("Yes) even if I clicked the 2nd button("No") 我试过$(this).find("button").html() ,但是即使我单击了第二个按钮(“否”),它也会返回第一个按钮的值(“是”)。
  • Same for $(this).find("p").html() , will return value of 1st $(this).find("p").html() ,将返回值1st

  • How do I use $(this) to get the value of item I clicked? 如何使用$(this)获得我点击的项目的价值?
  • Don't suggest me to insert class or id, I'm not suppose to touch the html. 不要建议我插入class或id,我不应该触摸html。
  • Please assist, thanks. 请协助,谢谢。

It is because $(this).click event listener is added to document object and not any specific html element. 这是因为$(this).click事件侦听器已添加到document对象,而不是任何特定的html元素。


plunker: https://jsfiddle.net/wx38rz5L/1743/ 塞子: https ://jsfiddle.net/wx38rz5L/1743/

If you are trying to get each button's html on click, use this. 如果您试图在单击时获取每个按钮的html,请使用它。

  $('button').click(function () {

this in your click handler is always the document (which you've bound the handler to), so that doesn't help anything. this在点击处理程序始终是文件(你已经绑定的处理程序),这样就不会什么帮助。 Instead, use something like 相反,使用类似

    if ($(e.target).is("button"))
    } else {
        console.log("not clicked (directly) on a button");

or rather just 或只是

$(document).on("click", "button", function(e){

Bind the click event on both button and get the content of the html element with innerHTML . 绑定两个button上的click事件,并使用innerHTML获取html元素的内容。

  $(document).ready(function() { $('button').click(function(event) { alert(event.target.innerHTML); }); }); 
 <html> <head> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <p>test 1</p> <p>test 2</p> <button>Yes</button> <button>No</button> </body> </html> 

You have to detect which $(this) is binded for ? 您必须检测哪个$(this)被绑定? Try something like this: 尝试这样的事情:

  1. Setup an object 设置对象

<button class="btn red btn-xs editbtn" type="button" value="${rs.id}" value="${rs.id}">

  1. Function for this object 该对象的功能

$(function(){ $('.editbtn').click(function(e){ common.showSpinner(); var idbbpdtd = $(this).val(); }); });

Try this. 尝试这个。

        $(document).ready(function() {
            $(this).click(function(event) {

In jQuery event.target always refers to the element that triggered the event. 在jQuery中, event.target始终指触发事件的元素。

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