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[英]How to display multiple row values in musql table in a single html table row

I have database table like this 我有这样的数据库表

Treatment_ID       Drugname
 1                 panadol
 1                 piriton
 1                 Parasitamo

I want to display this information in a html table as follows 我想在html表中显示此信息,如下所示

 treatmentid          drugname
    1                panadol,piriton,Parasitamo    

How I can display as above html table? 我怎样才能显示如上的html表?

You can do it using group_concat like this 您可以像这样使用group_concat来做到这一点

SELECT Treatment_ID as treatmentid, group_concat(Drugname SEPARATOR ',' ) AS drugname
FROM tablename GROUP BY Treatment_ID

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