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[英]How display multiple rows in a table with one row in another table as single row

I have two tables. 我有两张桌子。 Table "user" contains user_id, user_name Table "Transactions" contains user_id, transactions 表“user”包含user_id,user_name表“Transactions”包含user_id,transactions

Eg: 例如:

user_id, user_name
1, Ram
2, John
3, Rahim

TABLE Transactions
user_id, transactions
1,  500
1, 300
2, 250
1, 450
3, 100
1, 250
3, 50

I want to display the result as: 我想将结果显示为:

user_name, Total
Ram, 1500*
John, 250
Rahim, 150
  • it is the sum of all transactions of that particular user 它是该特定用户的所有交易的总和

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

    SUM(t.transactions) Total
FROM users u
LEFT JOIN transactions t ON t.user_id = u.user_id
GROUP BY t.user_id

I think you should use LEFT JOIN because it should select user's total (NULL) in any case, even if it's 0 我认为你应该使用LEFT JOIN,因为它应该在任何情况下选择用户的总数(NULL),即使它是0

SELECT u.user_id , SUM(t.transactions) AS total
FROM user AS u JOIN transactions AS t
GROUP BY u.user_id

Try 尝试

    sum(t.transactions) as total
    user u
    JOIN transactions t ON u.user_id = t.user_id

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