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使用 slideNumber Reveal.js 检索当前幻灯片的编号

[英]Retrieve number of current slide using slideNumber Reveal.js

I need your help about Reveal.js.我需要你关于 Reveal.js 的帮助。

Anyone can explain me how to retrieve the number of my currentslide, and add it into variable ?任何人都可以解释我如何检索我的当前幻灯片的数量,并将其添加到变量中?

I need to add an event on my slide 4.我需要在幻灯片 4 上添加一个事件。

Thx for the support谢谢支持

You can get the indices of the current slide with Reveal.getIndices() .您可以使用Reveal.getIndices()获取当前幻灯片的索引。 It returns an object with three properties:它返回一个具有三个属性的对象:

  • h: horizontal index of the slide h:幻灯片的水平索引
  • v: vertical index of the slide v:幻灯片的垂直索引
  • f: Index of a fragment within the slide f:幻灯片中片段的索引

Now you can compare the current index with the index of the slide you want.现在您可以将当前索引与您想要的幻灯片索引进行比较。

Is this what you meant?这是你的意思吗?

Reveal.addEventListener('slidechanged', function(evt) {
  if (evt.currentSlide === 4) {
    // Do your stuff

You can always store currentSlide somewhere and then retrieve it later if your action requires it to be done in the middle of the presentation, not on slidechanged .您始终可以将currentSlide存储在某处,然后如果您的操作需要在演示文稿中间而不是在slidechanged上完成,则稍后再检索它。

I do this to get the indice of the SLide:我这样做是为了获得幻灯片的索引:

 Reveal.addEventListener('slidechanged', function (evt) {
        ind = Reveal.getIndices().h
        if (ind === 0) {
        if (ind === 1) {

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