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如何在 Visual Studio 中复制错误消息

[英]How do I copy error messages in Visual Studio

I just started with C# and VS, how is possible to copy my error message.我刚开始使用 C# 和 VS,怎么可能复制我的错误消息。

In the below image I want to copy 'System.Net.HttpWebRequest...在下图中,我想复制'System.Net.HttpWebRequest ...




You can use this extension:您可以使用此扩展程序:

Error Helper 错误助手

Make it easier to work with items in the Visual Studio Error List by copying or searching (with Bing, Google, or StackOverflow) for just the description of an error.通过仅复制或搜索(使用 Bing、Google 或 StackOverflow)错误描述,可以更轻松地处理 Visual Studio 错误列表中的项目。


No more wasting time copying the whole row and then extracting the description.不再浪费时间复制整行然后提取描述。 This extension adds helper commands to make it easier for dealing with errors.此扩展添加了辅助命令,以便更轻松地处理错误。

When there are bugs to fix, you don't want to be messing about with re-typing error messages or a clipboard full of unhelpful junk.当有 bug 需要修复时,您不希望重新输入错误消息或剪贴板中充满无用的垃圾。

Go to Tools > Options > Error Helper and choose to search with Bing, Google, or StackOverflow. Go 到工具 > 选项 > 错误助手并选择使用必应、谷歌或 StackOverflow 进行搜索。 You can also opt to remove file paths from search strings.您还可以选择从搜索字符串中删除文件路径。

It's available for Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Studio 2019它适用于Visual Studio 2022Visual Studio 2019

尝试构建程序,然后从错误列表窗口中按Ctrl + C(或右键 - >复制)复制错误

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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