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我该怎么做:Visual Studio 没有显示错误描述

[英]how do i do that: Visual Studio shows no error description

first of all i dont know what the title error wants from me therefore its this strange title for the problem xD首先我不知道标题错误想从我这里得到什么因此它是这个问题的奇怪标题 xD

If I purposely mistype "Count" into "cont", I have an Error or Suggestion from VS that doesn't show any description.如果我故意将“计数”错误键入“继续”,我会收到来自 VS 的错误或建议,但不会显示任何描述。


But if i press the 'play' button i can see the error Description in the error window.但是如果我按下“播放”按钮,我可以在错误 window 中看到错误描述。


I have reinstalled VS and checked all Variables in Unity.我已经重新安装了 VS 并检查了 Unity 中的所有变量。 I have no idea whats the problem and i dont know what to search for.我不知道问题出在哪里,也不知道要搜索什么。 Cause the intellisense system works and it shows that there is an error at the line but not the error description:/导致智能感知系统工作,它显示该行有错误但没有错误描述:/

  • Red红色的

(What did you try and what were you expecting?) i dont know what to write here?! (你尝试了什么,你期待什么?)我不知道在这里写什么?! i say everything in the other input box我在另一个输入框中说出一切

From your description, after re-install VS the issue still exists, so the issue should come from the project level cache/settings instead of VS environment file lacking.从你的描述来看,重装VS后问题依然存在,所以问题应该出在项目级缓存/设置上,而不是缺少VS环境文件。

You can try to create a new project and writing your code as the simplest like this:您可以尝试创建一个新项目并编写最简单的代码,如下所示:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Upgrade> upgrades = new List<Upgrade>();
            var xxx = upgrades.cont;
    class Upgrade

If the issue disappears in the new project, I suggest you delete '.vs' directory, '.vs' directory stores settings and caches, it will be created when you open the solution at the first time.如果问题在新项目中消失,我建议你删除'.vs'目录,'.vs'目录存储设置和缓存,它会在你第一次打开解决方案时创建。 This directory is under the same folder level of.sln file.该目录与.sln文件同级文件夹下。 After deleting it, when you open the solution next time, this directory will be re-generated.删除后,下次打开解决方案时,会重新生成这个目录。 Intellisense caches are in this directory, that's why we suggest you to re-generate it. Intellisense 缓存在此目录中,这就是我们建议您重新生成它的原因。

If the issue doesn't disappear in the new project, please check your VS version, if it is not the lastest, please update it to the latest version.如果问题在新项目中没有消失,请检查你的VS版本,如果不是最新的,请更新到最新版本。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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