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转换向量 <bool> 到小数(作为字符串)

[英]convert vector<bool> to decimal (as string)

With this function we can easily convert vector to decimal (integer): 使用此功能,我们可以轻松地将向量转换为十进制(整数):

vector<bool> A = {0, 1, 1, 1,0,1}; # A size will change during run time
long int integer = 0, n = 0;

    for (auto i : A)
        if (i)
            integer += pow(2, n);
        n = n + 1;

But if the vector has more than 64 elements the results will be unpredictable. 但是,如果向量具有64个以上的元素,则结果将是不可预测的。

How can we do write similar function but returning string instead? 我们如何编写类似的函数,但返回字符串呢?

As others have suggested, using std::bitset is a better option for representing a binary number of any fixed length (for dynamic length, as in your case, see boost::dynamic_bitset ). 正如其他人所建议的那样,使用std::bitset是表示任何固定长度的二进制数的更好选择(关于动态长度,如您所见,请参见boost::dynamic_bitset )。 This link explains some reasons for why not using std::vector<bool> . 此链接说明了为什么不使用std::vector<bool>一些原因。

Your problem pretty much summarizes to implementing a BigNum class. 您的问题几乎总结为实现BigNum类。 Just like you did in your approach, you first need to convert your value from binary to decimal (but now precision above 64 bits is needed). 就像您在方法中所做的一样,首先需要将值从二进制转换为十进制(但现在需要64位以上的精度)。 Once the BigNum is constructed, converting it to a string is trivial. 一旦构造BigNum,将其转换为字符串就变得很简单。 I implemented the algorithm you requested by simply modifying a BigNum class that I made some time ago. 我通过简单地修改BigNum类来实现您请求的算法。

To print the binary number, the following lines should suffice. 要打印二进制数字,以下几行就足够了。

/*Creates a 90-digit binary number with all bits set.*/
std::vector<bool> A(90, 1);
/*Prints its decimal reprsentation*/
cout << longBinaryToDecimalAsString(A);

As for the implementation: 至于执行:

#ifndef BIG_NUM_H
#define BIG_NUM_H

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdint>

class BigNum {



    BigNum(std::uint64_t val){
        if (val == 0)
            values.assign(1, 0);
            while (val > 0){
                values.push_back(val % 10);
                val /= 10;

    BigNum &operator+=(BigNum &rhs)
        std::vector<std::uint8_t> *lowAddend, *bigAddend;
        /*If right value is larger, ‘values’ vector will always grow*/
        if (rhs.values.size() > values.size()){
            values.resize(rhs.values.size(), 0);
            lowAddend = &values;
            bigAddend = &rhs.values;
            bigAddend = &values;
            lowAddend = &rhs.values;

        std::uint8_t carry = 0;
        size_t i = 0;
        /*First we sum lower part*/
        for (; i < lowAddend->size(); ++i){
            std::uint8_t sum = values[i] + rhs.values[i] + carry;
            values[i] = sum % 10;
            carry = sum / 10;
        /*Now we copy the remaining part*/
        for (; i < bigAddend->size(); ++i){
            /*For 10 10, sum will be 18, at most*/
            std::uint8_t sum = (*bigAddend)[i] + carry;
            values[i] = sum % 10;
            carry = sum / 10;
        return *this;
    BigNum &operator*=(BigNum &rhs)
        /*Case when one of the operands is Zero*/
        if (this->isZero())
            return *this;
        else if (rhs.isZero()){
            values.assign(1, 0);    
            return *this;

        size_t maxLen = values.size() + rhs.values.size();
        std::vector<std::uint8_t> product(maxLen);

        size_t lowSize, bigSize;
        std::vector<std::uint8_t> *multiplier, *multiplicand;

        /*The iteration process for the multiplicaiton is developed as the multiplier (A in A*B)
        as the one with more digits.*/
        if (values.size() > rhs.values.size()){
            multiplier = &values;
            multiplicand = &rhs.values;
            bigSize = values.size();
            lowSize = rhs.values.size();
            multiplier = &rhs.values;
            multiplicand = &values;
            bigSize = rhs.values.size();
            lowSize = values.size();

        /*Implemented as 'values x rhs.values' */
        std::uint8_t carry = 0;
        for (size_t n = 0; n < maxLen; ++n){

            size_t numIters;
            if (maxLen - n - 1< lowSize) numIters = maxLen - n - 1;
            else                         numIters = std::min(n + 1, lowSize);

            std::uint64_t sum = 0;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < numIters; ++i){
                size_t indBelow = i + n + 1 - std::min(n + 1, lowSize);
                size_t indAbove = std::min(n + 1, lowSize) - 1 - i;
                std::uint8_t be = (*multiplier)[indBelow];
                std::uint8_t ab = (*multiplicand)[indAbove];
                sum += be*ab;
            sum += carry;
            product[n] = sum % 10;
            carry = sum / 10;
        values.assign(product.begin(), product.end());
        return *this;

    std::string toString(){
        std::stringstream ss;
        std::copy(values.rbegin(), values.rend(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(ss, ""));
        return ss.str();


    bool isAbsOne() {return values.size() == 1 && values[0] == 1;}
    bool isZero()   {return values.size() == 1 && values[0] == 0;}
    void trimFrontalZeros(){
        size_t newSize = values.size();
        auto it = values.rbegin();
        while (it != values.rend() && *it == 0){

    std::vector<std::uint8_t> values;

std::string longBinaryToDecimalAsString(std::vector<bool> &longBinary){

    BigNum big;
    std::uint64_t n = 0;
    for (bool bit : longBinary){
        if (bit){
            if (n > 63){
                BigNum aux(1);          
                for (std::uint64_t i = 0; i < n / 32; ++i){
                    aux *= BigNum(1ULL << 32);
                aux *= BigNum(1ULL << (n % 32));
                big += aux;
                big += BigNum(1ULL << n);
    return big.toString();


Please do note this is a very reduced version of a BigNum class. 请注意,这是BigNum类的简化版本。 Using it for purposes other than the one of this question may output undesired results. 将其用于除此问题之一以外的目的可能会输出不希望的结果。 For example, as is, it does not take into account negative numbers for the + and * operations. 例如,按原样,它不考虑+*操作的负数。

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