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[英]Is there a way to convert a bool to a string?

I need to convert a bool to a text string.我需要将布尔值转换为文本字符串。 Does anyone know how to do that?有谁知道这是怎么做到的吗?

I tried to use (std::string)bool syntax but it didn't work.我尝试使用(std::string)bool语法但它没有用。

The C++ standard does not define any direct conversions between bool and std::string at the language level. C++ 标准没有在语言级别定义boolstd::string之间的任何直接转换。

The simplest option is to just do the conversion yourself, eg:最简单的选择是自己进行转换,例如:

std::string s;
if (theBoolValue)
    s = "true";
    s = "false";


std::string s = theBoolValue ? "true" : "false";

On the other hand, if you want to use the standard library to do the conversion, there are options for that.另一方面,如果您想使用标准库进行转换,则有一些选择。

operator<< and operator>> for I/O streams can convert between bool and std::string . I/O 流的operator<<operator>>可以在boolstd::string之间转换。 For instance, you can use a std::ostringstream to format a bool into a std::string , eg:例如,您可以使用std::ostringstreambool格式化为std::string ,例如:

std::ostringstream oss;
oss << theBoolValue;
std::string s = oss.str();

By default, that will output "1" for true and "0" for false .默认情况下, output "1"表示true"0"表示false If you want the output to actually say "true" or "false" instead, you can use the std::boolalpha I/O manipulator, eg:如果您希望 output 实际上说"true""false" ,您可以使用std::boolalpha I/O 操纵器,例如:

oss << std::boolalpha << theBoolValue;

Alternatively, in C++20 and later, you can use std::format() (in earlier versions, you can use the {fmt} library), eg:或者,在 C++20 及更高版本中,您可以使用std::format() (在早期版本中,您可以使用{fmt}库),例如:

std::string s = std::format("{}", theBoolValue); // returns "true" or "false"
std::string s = std::format("{:L}", theBoolValue); // returns the locale-specific representation
std::string s = std::format("{:d}", theBoolValue); // returns "1" or "0"
// other supported numeric formats:
// {:b} and {:B} for binary, "0b..." lowercase and "0B..." uppercase
// {:o} for octet, "0..."
// {:x} and {:X} for hex, "0x..." lowercase and "0X..." uppercase
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

namespace vt {
  static constexpr auto as_string(const bool x) -> std::string {
    return (x) ? "true" : "false";
} // namespace vt

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  const auto x = argv[argc] != nullptr;
  // NB: argv[argc] is always nullptr so it's false.

  // Using a turnary to initialize a std::string
  // (See: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/operator_other)
  const auto k0 = std::string(x ? "true" : "false");
  std::cout << "k0 = std::string(x ? \"true\" : \"false\"):\t" << k0 << "\n";

  // Using a function to achieve the same.
  const auto k1 = vt::as_string(x);
  std::cout << "k1 = vt::as_string(x):\t\t\t" << k1 << "\n";

  // If you need a string but you're fine with "0"/"1" over "false"/"true"
  const auto k2 = std::to_string(x); // x is implicitly converted to int
  std::cout << "k2 = std::to_string(x):\t\t\t" << k2 << "\n";

  // If you only intend to write to a std::ostream you don't need a string.
  std::cout << "std::cout << std::boolalpha << x:\t"
            << std::boolalpha << x << std::endl;

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This is what Sam Varshavchik suggested in comment, basically, that is it:)这就是 Sam Varshavchik 在评论中的建议,基本上就是这样:)

    bool b;
    std::string decoded; 
    decoded = b ? "true" : "false";
    printf("b is %s\n"
      , decoded.c_str()

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