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[英]IF statement SQL query within the SELECT in MySQL

I have the below stored procedure which works fine. 我有下面的存储过程,可以正常工作。

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `TxCountByDatePerod`(IN `fromdate` DATE, IN `todate` DATE, IN `department` VARCHAR(20), IN `status` VARCHAR(10), IN `ipg` VARCHAR(20))
SELECT d.dept_name,
       COUNT(*) AS all_row_count
FROM department AS d
INNER JOIN service s ON s.dept_id=d.dept_id
INNER JOIN transaction_detail t ON s.dept_id=t.dept_id
AND s.service_id=t.service_id
WHERE t.tx_begin_date BETWEEN fromdate AND todate
  AND (t.dept_id = department
       OR department ='null')
  AND (t.tx_status = status
       OR status ='null')
  AND (t.pg_name = ipg
       OR ipg ='null')
GROUP BY t.dept_id,

Above SP is written in MySQL to get the number of transactions for a given time duration, provided by a particular service of a particular department. 上面的SP用MySQL编写,以获取由特定部门的特定服务提供的给定持续时间内的事务数。 A transactions can be 3 different transaction statuses( tx_status coulmn) which are completed(1), failed(-1), uncompleted(0). 一个事务可以是3个不同的事务状态( tx_status ),它们分别是已完成(1),失败(-1),未完成(0)。

What I'm trying to do is get the data for the report below. 我想做的是获取下面报告的数据。


The right now the problem is that all the status are grouped into one row. 现在的问题是所有状态都分组为一行。 I tried the below SQL to get the data as needed but it gives out an error that the syntax is not correct. 我尝试了下面的SQL以根据需要获取数据,但是它给出了语法不正确的错误。

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `TxCountByDatePerod`(IN `fromdate` DATE, IN `todate` DATE, IN `department` VARCHAR(20), IN `status` VARCHAR(10), IN `ipg` VARCHAR(20))
SELECT d.dept_name,
       COUNT(*) AS all_row_count,
       IF(t.tx_status = 1,
          SELECT COUNT(*)
          FROM transaction_detail
          WHERE tx_status = 1) AS successful_tx_count
FROM department AS d
INNER JOIN service s ON s.dept_id=d.dept_id
INNER JOIN transaction_detail t ON s.dept_id=t.dept_id
AND s.service_id=t.service_id
WHERE t.tx_begin_date BETWEEN fromdate AND todate
  AND (t.dept_id = department
       OR department ='null')
  AND (t.tx_status = status
       OR status ='null')
  AND (t.pg_name = ipg
       OR ipg ='null')
GROUP BY t.dept_id,

Please see the added line below. 请参见下面添加的行。

IF(t.tx_status = 1, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transaction_detail WHERE tx_status = 1) AS successful_tx_count is added to the SP.

How can I fix this? 我怎样才能解决这个问题?

the correct syntax for using an IF statement with a select is like this 将IF语句与select配合使用的正确语法如下所示

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `TxCountByDatePerod`(IN `fromdate` DATE, IN `todate` DATE, IN `department` VARCHAR(20), IN `status` VARCHAR(10), IN `ipg` VARCHAR(20))
SELECT d.dept_name,
       COUNT(*) AS all_row_count,
       IF(t.tx_status = 1, 
          (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transaction_detail WHERE tx_status = 1), 
         ) AS successful_tx_count
FROM department AS d
INNER JOIN service s ON s.dept_id=d.dept_id
INNER JOIN transaction_detail t ON s.dept_id=t.dept_id
AND s.service_id=t.service_id
WHERE t.tx_begin_date BETWEEN fromdate AND todate
  AND (t.dept_id = department
       OR department ='null')
  AND (t.tx_status = status
       OR status ='null')
  AND (t.pg_name = ipg
       OR ipg ='null')
GROUP BY t.dept_id,

NOTE: 注意:

I just put in a default 0 value since you are doing a count but you can change that 我只是输入默认的0值,因为您正在进行计数,但是您可以更改该值

IF(t.tx_status = 1
    ,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transaction_detail WHERE tx_status = 1)
    ,0 -- # -- this can be anything.. you could put in NULL or whatever else if you want
  ) AS successful_tx_count

you can also use a user defined variable and plug that in like so 您还可以使用用户定义的变量并将其插入

SET @a := (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transaction_detail WHERE tx_status = 1);

and then plug the @a variable in your if statement like so 然后像这样在@if语句中插入@a变量

if(t.tx_status = 1, @a, 0)

See this ARTICLE for more details on the if function 有关if函数的更多详细信息,请参见此文章

This is your select statement: 这是您的select语句:

SELECT d.dept_name,
       COUNT(*) AS all_row_count,
       IF(t.tx_status = 1,
          SELECT COUNT(*)
          FROM transaction_detail
          WHERE tx_status = 1) AS successful_tx_count

Why are you using a subquery here? 为什么在这里使用子查询? I suspect that you want the "successful" count to match the same conditions (from the where clause) as the count(*) . 我怀疑您希望“成功”计数匹配与count(*)相同的条件(来自where子句count(*) So, just use conditional aggregation: 因此,只需使用条件聚合:

SELECT d.dept_name,
       COUNT(*) AS all_row_count,
       SUM(t.tx_status = 1) AS successful_tx_count

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