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[英]Emacs Auto-complete for systemverilog

I am new to emacs.I was trying to add an auto-complete for systemverilog.I tried using marmalade repo autocomplete ( http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/auto-complete).I copied the entire files into "C:\\emacs.emacs.d" . 我是emacs的新手。我试图为systemverilog添加自动完成功能。我尝试使用果酱回购自动完成功能( http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/auto-complete)。我将整个文件复制到了“ C :\\ emacs.emacs.d“

I installed using Mx package-install [RET] auto-complete [RET] 我使用Mx软件包安装[RET]自动完成[RET]

But still autocomplete is not working.I read many documents but was notable to solve the issue 但是自动填充仍然无法正常工作。我阅读了许多文档,但值得注意的是解决了该问题

Can anyone suggest me an autocomplete file for systemverilog and explain hoe to install that file.My OS is Windows 8.1 谁能为我建议一个用于systemverilog的自动完成文件,并解释要安装该文件。我的操作系统是Windows 8.1

If you have Verilog-mode already installed, autocomplete is bound to Alt-Tab by default, it should just work. 如果您已经安装了Verilog模式,则默认情况下,自动完成功能将绑定到Alt-Tab,它将正常工作。 Or have you already tried that shortcut and it didn't work? 还是您已经尝试过该快捷方式,但是该快捷方式不起作用?

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