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[英]Emacs auto-complete not displaying results

I am running the most recent version of auto-complete in elpa with the new stable release of Emacs (24.3) in Linux. 我正在使用Linux中新版本的Emacs(24.3)运行elpa最新版本的auto-complete I have the following setup on my Emacs init file. 我在Emacs init文件上进行了以下设置。

(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/") t)
(require 'auto-complete-config)
(setq-default ac-sources

If I start typing: /home/james/.em in a buffer (eg a Python buffer) I would expect auto-complete to suggest: 如果我开始在缓冲区 (例如Python缓冲区)中输入: /home/james/.em 我希望自动完成建议:


but it does not show anything. 但它没有显示任何东西。 The same thing happens with other files. 其他文件也会发生同样的事情。

Sometimes I do see suggestions and/or the pop-up menu shows up, but other times it doesn't. 有时我看到建议和/或弹出菜单显示,但有时则不会。

Any thoughts why? 有什么想法?

ac-config-default sets a list of sources that does not include ac-source-filename. ac-config-default设置不包含ac-source-filename的源列表。 By calling this function after setq-default ac-sources you are resetting them back to the defaults. 通过在setq-default ac-sources之后调用此函数,您可以将它们重置为默认值。 The auto-complete manual suggests setting mode-hooks to set up the desired sources for specific modes. 自动完成手册建议设置模式挂钩以设置特定模式的所需源。 The example from the manual is 手册中的例子是

(defun my-ac-emacs-lisp-mode ()
  (setq ac-sources '(ac-source-symbols ac-source-words-in-same-mode-buffers)))

(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'my-ac-emacs-lisp-mode)

Adapting this to python-mode should be easy enough. 将其改编为python-mode应该很容易。 Alternatively you can globally override the settings set by ac-config-default by calling it first, ie 或者,您可以通过首先调用它来全局覆盖ac-config-default设置的设置,即

(require 'auto-complete-config)
(setq-default ac-sources

That way setq-default ac-sources will override the sources set by ac-config-default rather than the other way around. 这样setq-default ac-sources将覆盖ac-config-default设置的源,而不是相反。

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