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从Google App Engine后端迁移到模块

[英]Migrating from Google App Engine Backends to Modules

Google has deprecated its Backends API and has been telling all users to migrate to the Modules API for GAE projects. Google已弃用其后端API ,并已告知所有用户迁移到GAE项目的Modules API

After updating my app.yaml and clicking the migrate button in the Application Settings>Performance page, my application is still giving me this error: 更新我的app.yaml并单击“ 应用程序设置”>“性能”页面中的迁移”按钮后,我的应用程序仍然显示以下错误:

WARNING  2014-08-26 13:49:57,888 backends.py:55] The Backends API is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please migrate to the Modules API as soon as possible.

Why is GAE still identifying my application as using the Backends API? GAE为什么仍将我的应用程序标识为使用后端API?

My app.yaml file: 我的app.yaml文件:

    application: app-name
    version: baseline 
    runtime: python27
    api_version: 1 
    threadsafe: true

    instance_class: F4
      max_idle_instances: 10
      min_pending_latency: 10ms
      max_pending_latency: 8s

    - deferred: on
    - admin_redirect: on
    - appstats: on
    - remote_api: on

    - config/index.master.yaml

    - name: jinja2
      version: latest
    - name: lxml
      version: latest
    - name: webob
      version: latest
    - name: numpy
      version: latest
    - name: webapp2
      version: latest
    - name: ssl
      version: latest
    - name: pycrypto
      version: latest

    - ^(.*/)?.*\.coffee
    - ^(.*/)?.*\.scss
    - ^(.*/)?app\.yaml
    - ^(.*/)?app\.yml
    - ^(.*/)?index\.yaml
    - ^(.*/)?index\.yml
    - ^(.*/)?#.*#
    - ^(.*/)?.*~
    - ^(.*/)?.*\.py[co]
    - ^(.*/)?.*/RCS/.*
    - ^(.*/)?\..*
    - ^/docs*

Edit . 编辑 My app is not importing the backends module directly, but appears to be importing it directly through the Admin Panel library. 我的应用程序不是直接导入后端模块,而是似乎是直接通过管理面板库导入的。 The error is triggered whenever the admin panel page is loaded, using this script handler: 只要使用以下脚本处理程序加载管理面板页面,就会触发错误:

- url: /googleadmin.*
   script: google.appengine.ext.admin.application 
   login: admin

Could it be you still have a backend import somewhere in your code? 可能是您的代码中仍有后端导入吗?

Looking at the warning, seems like you're still using "backends.py" 查看警告,似乎您仍在使用“ backends.py”

One interesting thing that happened in my team when we were working on different projects is that we received these deprecated calls on APIs we didn't EVEN use. 在我们从事不同项目时,我们团队中发生的一件有趣的事情是,我们收到了对我们从未使用过的API的已弃用的调用。 Seems like internally some "new" APIs use the deprecated ones, which can cause these errors. 在内部似乎有些“新” API使用了已弃用的API,这可能会导致这些错误。 I don't think it's risky or dangerous, but definitely not the behaviour one would expect. 我认为这没有危险或危险,但绝对不是人们期望的行为。

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