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从Google App Engine生态系统迁移

[英]Migrating from Google App Engine ecosystem

Are there any tools and/or best-practices, that make the process of migration from GAE (Python or PHP) with it's ecosystem of services (sa authentication, datastore, search, caching etc.) to an alternative cloud hosting service, or even self-hosting -- fairly easy ? 是否有任何工具和/或最佳实践,可以使其从具有服务生态系统(例如身份验证,数据存储,搜索,缓存等)的GAE(Python或PHP)迁移到替代的云托管服务,甚至自托管-相当容易?

This is one significant concern before making a choice to go with any PaaS provider, ie how to avoid lock-in, and have the freedom of choice to move-out if there are enough incentives to do so -- financial / otherwise, including the ease of migration. 在选择与任何PaaS提供商合作之前,这是一个重要的问题,即如何避免锁定,并在有足够动机的情况下自由选择迁出,包括财务/其他方面,包括易于迁移。 Perhaps, one reason to restrict oneself to IaaS providers, though the initial effort investment (and also over time), is significantly higher than with PaaS. 也许,将自己限制在IaaS提供商身上的一个理由,尽管最初的投入(以及随着时间的推移)要比PaaS高得多。

You have a couple of options, but mainly Appscale. 您有两种选择,但主要是Appscale。

Business: http://www.appscale.com/ 业务: http : //www.appscale.com/

Developers: https://github.com/AppScale/appscale/wiki 开发人员: https//github.com/AppScale/appscale/wiki

AppScale is a platform that allows users to deploy and host their own Google App Engine applications. AppScale是一个平台,允许用户部署和托管自己的Google App Engine应用程序。 It executes automatically over Amazon EC2, Rackspace, Google Compute Engine, Eucalyptus, Openstack, CloudStack, as well as KVM and VirtualBox. 它会在Amazon EC2,Rackspace,Google Compute Engine,Eucalyptus,Openstack,CloudStack以及KVM和VirtualBox上自动执行。 It has been developed and is maintained by AppScale Systems, Inc., in Santa Barbara. 它由圣塔芭芭拉的AppScale Systems,Inc.开发并维护。 It supports the Python, Java, Go, and PHP Google App Engine platforms. 它支持Python,Java,Go和PHP Google App Engine平台。

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AppScale http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AppScale

AppScale is an open-source cloud computing platform that automatically deploys and scales unmodified Google App Engine applications over popular public and private cloud systems and on-premises clusters. AppScale是一个开源云计算平台,可在流行的公共和私有云系统以及本地群集上自动部署和扩展未修改的Google App Engine应用程序。 AppScale is modeled on the App Engine API and has support for Python, Go, PHP and Java applications. AppScale以App Engine API为模型,并支持Python,Go,PHP和Java应用程序。

The goal of AppScale is to provide developers with a rapid, API-driven development platform that can run applications on any cloud infrastructure. AppScale的目标是为开发人员提供一个快速的,由API驱动的开发平台,该平台可以在任何云基础架构上运行应用程序。 AppScale decouples app logic from its service ecosystem to give developers and cloud administrators unprecedented control over app deployment, data storage, resource use, backup and migration. AppScale将应用程序逻辑与其服务生态系统分离开来,为开发人员和云管理员提供了对应用程序部署,数据存储,资源使用,备份和迁移的空前控制。

There is also Typhoonae 也有伤寒

The TyphoonAE project aims at providing a full-featured and productive serving environment to run Google App Engine (Python) applications. TyphoonAE项目旨在提供运行Google App Engine(Python)应用程序的功能齐全且高效的服务环境。 It delivers the parts for building your own scalable App Engine while staying compatible with Google's API. 它提供了用于构建自己的可扩展App Engine的部分,同时保持与Google API的兼容性。

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