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将Spock单元测试从Grails 1.3.9升级到Grails 2.3.9。 但是edit()测试失败

[英]Upgrading Spock unit tests from Grails 1.3.9 to Grails 2.3.9. But edit() test is failing

I am updating unit tests in a Grails project. 我正在Grails项目中更新单元测试。 We were originally using version 1.3.9 and now we are updating to version 2.3.9. 我们最初使用的是1.3.9版,现在我们正在更新至2.3.9版。 I am using Spock. 我正在使用Spock。

I keep getting this error: 我不断收到此错误:

junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Condition not satisfied:
controller.edit() == [filterCategoryInstance: filterCategoryInstance]
|          |      |                             |
|          null   false                         John

Here is the controller code: 这是控制器代码:

def edit() {
    def filterCategoryInstance = FilterCategory.get(params.id)
    if (!filterCategoryInstance) {
        flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.not.found.message', args: [message(code: 'dpFilterCategory.label', default: 'FilterCategory'), params.id])}"
        redirect(action: "list")
    else {
        return [filterCategoryInstance: filterCategoryInstance]

and here is the test code: 这是测试代码:

@Mock([FilterCategory, FilterCategoryTag])
class FilterCategoryControllerSpec extends ExtendedControllerSpec {

def 'edit action:  existing FilterCategory'() {
        params.id = filterCategoryInstance.id

        controller.edit() == [filterCategoryInstance: filterCategoryInstance]

        tag = new FilterCategoryTag(name: 'tag1')
        filterCategoryInstance = new FilterCategory(name: "John", 
            submissionText:"John", sortOrder:0, 'filterCategoryTags': [tag])


And here is the ExtendedControllerSpec code. 这是ExtendedControllerSpec代码。 I hope I have included enough code: 我希望我已经包含了足够的代码:

I have looked at the following web pages for guidance: 我查看了以下网页以获得指导:

class ExtendedControllerSpec extends Specification {
def props

protected void setup() {

    props = new Properties()
    File file = new File("grails-app/i18n/messages.properties")
    if (file.exists()) {
        def stream = new FileInputStream(file)
        props.load stream


def mockI18N = { controller ->
    controller.metaClass.message = { Map map ->
    if (!map.code)
        return ""
    if (map.args) {
        def formatter = new MessageFormat("")
        if (props.getProperty(map.code)) {
            formatter.applyPattern props.getProperty(map.code)
        return formatter.format(map.args.toArray())
    } else {
        if (props && props.hasProperty(map.code)) {
            return props.getProperty(map.code)
        } else {
            return map.code


 * add dynamic methods in test setup.
protected void  addDynamicMethods() {
    String.metaClass.mixin StringUtils


protected GrailsUser mockGrailsUser() {
    return Mock(GrailsUser)


 * must call AFTER mockDpSercurityService

protected void setHasRoleTrue() {
    if (controller?.dpSecurityService?.metaClass) {
       controller.dpSecurityService.metaClass.hasRole = {return true}

protected void setHasRoleFalse() {
    if (controller?.dpSecurityService?.metaClass) {
       controller.dpSecurityService.metaClass.hasRole = {return false}


protected void mockUserService() {
    controller.dpUserService =  new MockFor(UserService)

} }


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