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[英]Group by with condition in mysql query

Sample Database Table:
| id  | template_title  | store_id  |
|   1 |      TEST_TITLE | 0         |
|   2 |      TEST_TITLE | 4         |
|   3 |      TEST_TITLE | 2         |
|   4 |      TEST_ITEM  | 0         |
|   5 |      TEST_LOVE  | 0         |


i try to get record by Group by template_title having store_id 0 and 4. 我尝试按具有store_id 0和4的template_title按组获取记录。

then i got this record 然后我得到了这张唱片

    | id  | template_title  | store_id  |
    |   1 |      TEST_TITLE | 0         |
    |   4 |      TEST_ITEM  | 0         |
    |   5 |      TEST_LOVE  | 0         |


but i need record having Group by but if there store_id is not 0 then it must be get record. 但是我需要具有Group by的记录,但是如果store_id不为0,则必须获取记录。 like i need this type of data 就像我需要这种类型的数据

        | id  | template_title  | store_id  |
        |   1 |      TEST_TITLE | 4         |
        |   4 |      TEST_ITEM  | 0         |
        |   5 |      TEST_LOVE  | 0         |


means i need TEST_TITLE of 4 if i group by. 表示如果我分组的话,我需要4 TEST_TITLE

I meant to say i want to give Priority to Store_id if i Group by template_title 我的意思是说,如果我按template_title分组,我想优先考虑Store_id

This isn't exactly a group by . 这并非完全group by You want to prioritize the rows, based on business rules. 您想根据业务规则对行进行优先排序。 The rule appears to be select the row with 4 first, and then the one with 0. It think the easiest way is using union all : 规则似乎是首先选择4的行,然后选择0的行。它认为最简单的方法是使用union all

select id, template_title, store_id
from databasetable
where store_id = 4
union all
select id, template_title, store_id
from databasetable
where store_id = 0 and
      not exists (select 1 from template_title where store_id = 4);

You can use MAX to get the biggest value in the column: 您可以使用MAX在列中获得MAX

FROM myTable
GROUP BY template_title

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