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[英]Mysql query GROUP BY where condition LIMIT 1

I have a table called "articles" on the database 我在数据库上有一个名为“articles”的表

articles : 文章:

id +++   writer_id    +++     title     ++++    text
1           1              some title        article for writer 1 
2           1              some title        article for writer 1 
3           2              some title        article for writer 2 
4           2              some title        article for writer 2 
5           2              some title        article for writer 2
6           3              some title        article for writer 3

I need a query to get the latest articles from the table BUT just ONE article for each Writer 我需要一个查询来获取表格中的最新文章,但每个作家只需要一篇文章

depends on the rows above the query should get just 3 rows : each article owns by ONE writer 取决于查询上面的行应该只有3行:每篇文章由一个作者拥有

2           1              some title        article for writer 1 
5           2              some title        article for writer 2
6           3              some title        article for writer 3

php PHP

FROM articles
WHERE writer_id = ???? ;
order by id desc limit 10

thanks in advance : ) 提前致谢 : )

Using a combination of GROUP BY and HAVING will allow you to get the last article written by each author, and have them ordered properly: 使用GROUP BYHAVING的组合将允许您获取每位作者撰写的最后一篇文章,并正确地订购它们:

FROM articles
WHERE writer_id = ????
GROUP BY writer_id
HAVING id = MAX(id)


SELECT MAX(id), writer_id, title, text FROM articles GROUP BY writer_id;

Use a subquery to get the latest article id per writer: 使用子查询获取每个编写器的最新文章ID

SELECT * FROM articles
WHERE id in
    SELECT MAX(id) id, writer_id
    FROM articles
    GROUP BY writer_id

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