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[英]how to access an array within an object

Write a fully-documented class named Menu which stores a list of items in an array and provides an interface to interact with this list. 编写一个文档齐全的类,名为Menu,该类将项目列表存储在数组中,并提供与该列表进行交互的接口。 A Menu can hold up to 50 items at a time, so use the final variable MAX_ITEMS = 50. 菜单一次最多可以容纳50个项目,因此请使用最终变量MAX_ITEMS = 50。

I created the constructor and a separate class called MenuItem 我创建了构造函数和一个名为MenuItem的单独类

    public class Menu implements Cloneable {

        final int MAX_ITEMS = 50;

        public Menu(){
            MenuItem[] menu =  new MenuItem[MAX_ITEMS];

I want to create a method that clones a Menu. 我想创建一个克隆Menu的方法。 How do I access the properties of each individual MenuItem within Menu? 如何访问菜单中每个菜单项的属性?

I don't think you have to go through all that, assuming A is the menu... 我认为您不必经历所有这些,假设菜单是A ...

public static Menu clone(){
Menu B = this;
return B;

Then simply call it using 然后只需使用

Menu B = A.clone();

You're creating MenuItem[] menu as a local variable and never storing it after the constructor. 您正在将MenuItem[] menu创建为局部变量,并且永远不会将其存储在构造函数之后。 So not only can you not clone it, you can't ever access it again. 因此,您不仅无法克隆它,而且再也无法访问它。

Try using a field for the menu variable, like this: 尝试对menu变量使用字段,如下所示:

public class Menu implements Cloneable {

    final int MAX_ITEMS = 50;
    private MenuItem[] menu;

    public Menu(){
        menu =  new MenuItem[MAX_ITEMS];

Now any method within the Menu class can access the menu you set during construction. 现在,Menu类中的任何方法都可以访问您在构造期间设置的menu

As for cloning, it depends how deeply you want to clone. 至于克隆,这取决于您要克隆的深度。 If you just want a new Menu object that refers to the same menu array in memory, see cloneOne. 如果只希望一个新的Menu对象引用内存中的相同menu数组,请参见cloneOne。 If you want a new Menu object with a new menu array containing the same objects as the old menu array, see cloneTwo. 如果要使用包含与旧menu数组相同的对象的新menu数组的新Menu对象,请参见cloneTwo。 If you want to go further than that, you'll have to put up some details for the MenuItem class: 如果您想做得更多,则必须为MenuItem类提供一些详细信息:

public class Menu implements Cloneable {

    final int MAX_ITEMS = 50;
    private MenuItem[] menu;

    public Menu(){
        menu =  new MenuItem[MAX_ITEMS];

    public Menu cloneOne(){
        Menu a = new Menu();
        a.menu = menu;
        return a;

    public Menu cloneTwo(){
        Menu a = new Menu();
        a.menu = new MenuItem[menu.length];
        for(int i = 0; i < menu.length; i++)
            a.menu[i] = menu[i];
        return a;

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