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HTML 到 Excel:数据格式更改

[英]HTML to Excel: Data format changes

I have the following code to export HTML tables to Excel:我有以下代码可以将 HTML 表格导出到 Excel:

function exportToExcel(tableID)
    var detailsTable= document.getElementById(tableID);
    var oExcel = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
    var oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add;
    var oSheet = oBook.Worksheets(1);
    for (var y=0;y<detailsTable.rows.length;y++)
        for (var x=0;x<detailsTable.rows(y).cells.length;x++)
            oSheet.Cells(y+1,x+1)= detailsTable.rows(y).cells(x).innerText;

    oExcel.Visible = true;
    oExcel.UserControl = true;

The export works but Excel is changing the dates in some cases.导出有效,但 Excel 在某些情况下会更改日期。 Instead of DD/MM/YYYY it changes to MM/DD/YYYY.它不是 DD/MM/YYYY,而是 MM/DD/YYYY。

For example: In HTML the date is 29/05/2014 (DD/MM/YYYY), in Excel the date is 29/05/2014 (DD/MM/YYYY).例如:在 HTML 中日期是 29/05/2014 (DD/MM/YYYY),在 Excel 中日期是 29/05/2014 (DD/MM/YYYY)。 In HTML the date is 02/07/2014 (DD/MM/YYYY) in Excel the date is 07/02/2014 (MM/DD/YYYY), this last case is wrong.在 HTML 中,日期是 02/07/2014 (DD/MM/YYYY) 在 Excel 中,日期是 07/02/2014 (MM/DD/YYYY),最后一种情况是错误的。

Tried to format the javascript date without lucky to:试图格式化 javascript 日期,但不幸的是:

var now = new Date();

Tried to use NumberFormat without lucky:没有幸运地尝试使用 NumberFormat:

oExcel.Cells(y+1,x+1).NumberFormat = "DD/MM/YYYY"; 

Tried to use the style in the TD without lucky:尝试在 TD 中使用该样式但不走运:



Adding (as a test):添加(作为测试):

oSheet.Cells(y+1,x+1).NumberFormat = "[$-F800]dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy"

Inside the second for , actually format the date.在第二个for ,实际格式化日期。 As I can see the date is already wrong in this point.正如我所看到的,在这一点上日期已经是错误的。 I mean, in the table it shows 07/11/2014 (dd/mm/yyyy) and in the export it shows 11/07/2014 (mm/dd/yyyy)我的意思是,在表格中显示 07/11/2014 (dd/mm/yyyy),在导出中显示 11/07/2014 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Check this solution using XLSX library. 使用 XLSX 库检查此解决方案。 Also apart from date format, it also roundoffs the number.此外,除了日期格式之外,它还对数字进行了四舍五入。 These 2 issues are fixed by this solution.此解决方案修复了这两个问题。


<div class="container">
<table class="table " #table1>
<tr *ngFor="let item of colors;index as i">
<td [style.color]="colors[i]">
<td t='s' [style.color]="colors[i]">//This t='s' solves the issue.
<td t='s' [style.color]="colors[i]">
<!-- This is most important t='s' -->

<button type="button" (click)="importTable2()">Export Table Two</button>

TS code:代码:

import {
} from '@angular/core';
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx';

import {
} from 'rxjs/Observable';
  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']

export class AppComponent {
  @ViewChild('table') table: ElementRef;
  @ViewChild('table1') table1: ElementRef;

  colors = [{
      name: 'Rubecaa',
      dob: '11/10/1998',
      id: '1000100020202010101AB'
      name: 'Zena',
      dob: '17/11/1998',
      id: '10001000202020101010'
    } //Id is string but sometimes it may contains only  number.

  importTable2() {
    const ws: XLSX.WorkSheet = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(this.table1.nativeElement);
    const wb: XLSX.WorkBook = XLSX.utils.book_new();
    XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, 'Sheet1');

    /* save to file */
    XLSX.writeFile(wb, 'Table2.xlsx');


This is different approach I use to convert HTML tables to CSV and excel.Its a platform independent ie works also when ActiveXObject not available.这是我用来将 HTML 表转换为 CSV 和 excel 的不同方法。它独立于平台,即在 ActiveXObject 不可用时也能工作。

Your table code should have following structure.您的表代码应具有以下结构。 Note that it just assigns class name as list to rows which you want in Excel file.请注意,它只是将类名作为列表分配给您想要在 Excel 文件中的行。

$u("#btnXLS").click(function() {

  var xls = jQuery(".list").map(function(a, i) {
    return $u.trim($u(this).text()).split(/\s*\n\s*/).join("\t");
  download(xls, "All_Data.xls", "application/vnd.ms-excel");


// download() function
function download(strData, strFileName, strMimeType) {
  var D = document,
    a = D.createElement("a");
  var Data = "Date :-" + Date();
  Data += "\n\n" + strData;
  strData = Data;
  strFileName = strFileName.substr(0, strFileName.indexOf('.'));
  strFileName += Date();
  if (strMimeType.indexOf("text/csv") >= 0)
    strFileName += ".csv";
    strFileName += ".xls";
  strMimeType = strMimeType || "application/octet-stream";
  if (window.MSBlobBuilder) { //IE10+ routine
    var bb = new MSBlobBuilder();
    return navigator.msSaveBlob(bb, strFileName);
  } /* end if(window.MSBlobBuilder) */
  if ('download' in a) { //html5 A[download]
    if (!window.URL) {
      a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([strData]));

    } else {
      a.href = "data:" + strMimeType + "," + encodeURIComponent(strData);

    a.setAttribute("download", strFileName);
    a.innerHTML = "downloading...";
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 66);
    return true;
  } /* end if('download' in a) */
  //do iframe dataURL download (old ch+FF):
  var f = D.createElement("iframe");
  f.src = "data:" + strMimeType + "," + encodeURIComponent(strData);

  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 333);
  return true;
} /* end download() */
    <tr class="list">
      <th>Column Header</th>
      <th>Column Header</th>
      <th>Column Header</th>

    <tr class="list">
      <td style="background: #33cc00;">11</td>

    <tr class="list odd">
      <td style="background: #33cc00;">22</td>

This may not be what you want, but I have a web application that displays data in a nicely formatted table, and if they want it in excel, I just write the exact same data to a new page, but change the headers to mime type excel and it works beautifully!这可能不是您想要的,但我有一个 Web 应用程序,可以在格式良好的表格中显示数据,如果他们想要在 excel 中显示数据,我只需将完全相同的数据写入新页面,但将标题更改为 mime 类型excel 并且效果很好! Gets the formatting, color, etc. Displays headers nicely.获取格式、颜色等。很好地显示标题。 Just a thought.只是一个想法。

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