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[英]How to export HTML data into Excel in correct format?

I am using jQuery to export HTML data into Excel. 我正在使用jQuery将HTML数据导出到Excel。 Data is exporting, but it's not exporting in a correct format. 数据正在导出,但是没有以正确的格式导出。 On opening the Excel file it says: 打开Excel文件时显示:

The file format and extension of "download.xls" don't match. “ download.xls”的文件格式和扩展名不匹配。 The file could be corrupted or unsafe. 该文件可能已损坏或不安全。 Unless you trust its source, don't open it. 除非您信任其来源,否则请不要打开它。 Do you want to open it anyway? 您是否仍要打开它?

And when I open it, the data there is present, but badly merged. 当我打开它时,那里的数据存在了,但被严重地合并了。 What should I do? 我该怎么办?

echo "<div id=dvData3>";
//echo "<table border=5 cellpadding=5  cellspacing=0 style=border-collapse: collapse >";

echo "<table>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=14% align=center>Name</td>";
echo "<td width=14% align=center>Grand Total</td>";
echo "<td width=14% align=center>Expanse Type</td>";
echo "</tr>";



  echo "<tr>";
  echo "<td width=14% align=center>$name</td>";
  echo "<td width=14% align=center>$gamount</td>";
  echo "<td width=14% align=center>$exptype</td>";
  echo "</tr>";

echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=14% align=center>Total Amount</td>";
echo "<td width=14% align=center>$Tamount</td>";

echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";

echo "<input type='button' id=\"btnExport3\" value=\" Export Table data into Excel \" />"; 


And here's my jQuery function: 这是我的jQuery函数:

    $("#btnExport3").click(function (e) {

      window.open('data:application/vnd.ms-excel,' + $('#dvData3').html());
      //window.open('data:application/csv,charset=utf-8,' +  $('#dvData').html());


Try this code: 试试这个代码:

$(document).ready(function() {
$("#btnExport3").click(function(e) {

    var a = document.createElement('a');
    //getting data from our div that contains the HTML table
    var data_type = 'data:application/vnd.ms-excel';
    var table_div = document.getElementById('dvData3');
    var table_html = table_div.outerHTML.replace(/ /g, '%20');
    a.href = data_type + ', ' + table_html;
    //setting the file name
    a.download = 'download.xlsx';
    //triggering the function
    //just in case, prevent default behaviour


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