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关于角度“ controller as”语法中“ this”关键字的困惑

[英]Confusion about 'this' keyword in angular 'controller as' syntax

I have a parent controller, UserEditCtrl and a child controller, EditUserCtrl . 我有一个父控制器UserEditCtrl和一个子控制器EditUserCtrl Inside of my parent controller I am pulling in a user object via a service: 在父控制器内部,我通过服务引入用户对象:

userMgmtSvc.user(scope.editUserId).then(function(data) {
  this.user = data;

Then I want to set a property of my user object to another variable. 然后,我想将用户对象的属性设置为另一个变量。

this.selectedRoles = this.user.roles;

But this throws an error: 但这会引发错误:

Cannot read property 'user' of undefined.

I'm confused as to how I reference objects that are set with this . 我对如何引用使用this设置的对象感到困惑。 For example, how do I just console.log the object? 例如,如何仅console.log对象? Because console.log('user', this.user); 因为console.log('user', this.user); returns undefined: 返回未定义:

user undefined

Here's the parent controller: 这是父控制器:

  function (app) {
    /* @fmt: off */
    'use strict';

    // @fmt:on
    app.controller('UserEditCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', 'userMgmtSvc', 'createUserSvc', 'authSvc', '$state', '$timeout', '$location', '_',
      function (scope, http, userMgmtSvc, createUserSvc, authSvc, state, timeout, location, _) {

      userMgmtSvc.user(scope.editUserId.id || sessionStorage.getItem('editUser')).then(function(data) {
        this.user = data;
        console.log('user', this.user);

      // GET states
      createUserSvc.states().then(function(data) {
          this.states = data;

      // GET countries
        createUserSvc.countries().then(function(data) {
        this.countries = data;

      // GET roles
      createUserSvc.roles().then(function(data) {
        this.roles = data;

      // GET insurance groups
      createUserSvc.insuranceGroups().then(function(data) {
        this.insuranceGroups = data;

      this.selectedRoles = this.user.roles;



This is a very basic mistake that happens when you refer to the current context with this inside a callback about which you don't know about the execution context and you end up setting values elsewhere. 这是一个非常基本的错误,当你指的是当前上下文与发生this回调,你不知道的执行上下文哪些内,你最终会在其他地方设置值。

In order to avoid getting into this issue, when your controller starts just set this (context of controller instance) to a variable and set everything on that. 为了避免出现此问题,在控制器启动时,只需将this (控制器实例的上下文)设置为变量并对其进行所有设置。 Don't assume what this is going to be. 不要以为this是什么。

 .controller('crtl',[deps..., function(...) {
       //Set this
       var vm = this; //Always use this cached variable have seen a commonly used name of vm

       userMgmtSvc.user(scope.editUserId).then(function(data) {
         vm.user = data;

       vm.selectedRoles = vm.user.roles


There are numerous other ways to do this using angular.bind, or es5 function.bind to create a bound functions (function reference pre bound with a specified context), but easiest way would be to use a cached context. 还有许多其他方法可以使用angular.bind或es5 function.bind创建绑定函数(以指定上下文为前缀的函数引用),但是最简单的方法是使用缓存的上下文。

When you are using typescript you could use a => (fat arrow) syntax since typescript in ES5 mode will actually convert this. 当您使用打字稿时,可以使用=> (胖箭头)语法,因为ES5模式下的打字稿实际上会对此进行转换。

      userMgmtSvc.user(scope.editUserId).then((data) => {
         this.user = data;

to:- 至:-

    var _that = this;
    userMgmtSvc.user(scope.editUserId).then((data) => {
         _that.user = data;

Arrow functions are going to be part of the language itself (with ES6 specifications) when the engines starts supporting the arrow function syntax . 引擎开始支持箭头函数语法 箭头函数将成为语言本身(具有ES6规范)的一部分。 So with ES6 you could safely write:- 因此,使用ES6,您可以放心地写:

      userMgmtSvc.user(scope.editUserId).then((data) => {
         this.user = data;

Here is an excellent answer that specifically targets this 这是专门针对this问题的出色答案

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