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[英]Confusion about Logic between constructor and ngOnInit() in Angular

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { OktaAuthService } from '@okta/okta-angular';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
  public title = 'my-project';
  public isAuthenticated: boolean;

  constructor(public oktaAuth: OktaAuthService) {
      (isAuthenticated: boolean) => this.isAuthenticated = isAuthenticated

  async ngOnInit() {
    this.isAuthenticated = await this.oktaAuth.isAuthenticated();

  login() {

  logout() {

I am new about Angular, when I saw this piece of code I am really confused.我是 Angular 的新手,当我看到这段代码时,我真的很困惑。 I read some article, I know constructors is to initialize a class, ngOnInit is to run after constructor.我读了一些文章,我知道构造函数是初始化一个 class,ngOnInit 是在构造函数之后运行。 But in the code,但在代码中,

  • What is the logic between the constructor and ngOnInit?构造函数和ngOnInit之间的逻辑是什么? For my understanding, in the constructor, it listen to the assignment function, and after construction, the class initilized by assigning the oktaAuth.isAuthenticated()据我了解,在构造函数中,它监听分配 function,并在构造后,通过分配 oktaAuth.isAuthenticated() 初始化 class
  • when will the isAuthenticated varible be changed?何时更改 isAuthenticated 变量?
  • why do we need async ngOnInit()?为什么我们需要异步 ngOnInit()?
  • how can we do it if we want a sync way?如果我们想要同步方式,我们该怎么做?

Async/await is just syntactic sugar for thenables (or Promises). Async/await 只是thenables (或 Promises)的语法糖。

This uses asyc/await:这使用 asyc/await:

async ngOnInit() {
  this.isAuthenticated = await this.oktaAuth.isAuthenticated();

This does the same thing as above without the async/await keywords.这与上面没有 async/await 关键字的情况相同。

ngOnInit() {
  return this.oktaAuth.isAuthenticated().then(isAuth => this.isAuthenticated = isAuth);

Both of the above examples return a promise and, as @GaurangDhorda and @AluanHaddad pointed out, will likely delay the rendering of the component while waiting for the promise to resolve.上述两个示例都返回 promise,正如@GaurangDhorda 和@AluanHaddad 指出的那样,在等待 promise 解决时,可能会延迟组件的渲染。

You can avoid this delay by not returning a promise from your ngOnInit method, like in this example:您可以通过不从ngOnInit方法返回 promise 来避免这种延迟,如下例所示:

ngOnInit() {
  this.oktaAuth.isAuthenticated().then(isAuth => this.isAuthenticated = isAuth);

As for your questions about the constructor vs the ngOnInit , I would take a look at the docs for all of the Angular lifecycle event hooks .至于您关于构造函数与ngOnInit的问题,我将查看所有Angular 生命周期事件挂钩的文档。

ngOnInit ngOnInit

Initialize the directive/component after Angular first displays the data-bound properties and sets the directive/component's input properties. Angular首先显示数据绑定属性并设置指令/组件的输入属性后初始化指令/组件。

Called once, after the first ngOnChanges().在第一个 ngOnChanges() 之后调用一次。

Your isAuthenticated variable will be mutated when the oktaAuth.isAuthenticated() promise is resolved (in the ngOnInit ) and whenever the OktaAuthService omits a new value through the $authenticationState observable (which you've subscribed to in the constructor).oktaAuth.isAuthenticated() promise 被解析(在ngOnInit中)以及OktaAuthService通过$authenticationState observable 省略一个新值时(您在构造函数中订阅了该值),您的isAuthenticated变量将发生突变。

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