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Windows Phone 8.1 Store应用程序-链接到商店

[英]Windows Phone 8.1 Store app - Link to store

In Windows 8.1 Apps we can link to store apps using ms-windows-store protocol. 在Windows 8.1应用程序中,我们可以使用ms-windows-store协议链接到存储应用程序。

var storeURI = new Uri("ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=<package family name>");
await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(storeURI);

Is there any similar ways in Windows Phone 8.1? Windows Phone 8.1中有类似的方法吗? I prefer not to link to the webpage of the app on the store ( http://windowsphone.com/s?appId=appGUID ) which then opens the app in the store. 我不希望链接到商店中应用程序的网页( http://windowsphone.com/s?appId=appGUID ),然后在商店中打开该应用程序。 I want to directly open the app in the store. 我想直接在商店中打开该应用程序。

In Windows Phone 8.1, We can use ms-windows-store protocol to link to the store. 在Windows Phone 8.1中,我们可以使用ms-windows-store协议链接到商店。

To detail page: 进入详细页面:

var uri = new Uri(string.Format("ms-windows-store:navigate?appid={0}", appid));
await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uri);

To review page: 要查看页面:

var uri = new Uri(string.Format("ms-windows-store:reviewapp?appid={0}", appid));
await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uri);

To search page: 要搜索页面:

var uri = new Uri(string.Format(@"ms-windows-store:search?keyword={0}",keyword));
await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uri);

you can use the MarketplaceDetailTask and open the page from the app store for the app: 您可以使用MarketplaceDetailTask并在应用商店中打开该应用的页面:

var marketplaceDetailTask = new MarketplaceDetailTask(); 
marketplaceDetailTask.ContentIdentifier = "<GUID of the app>"; // optional

You can optionally specify which app you want to open, default is the current app. 您可以选择指定要打开的应用程序,默认为当前应用程序。

More info: 更多信息:

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/microsoft.phone.tasks.marketplacedetailtask(v=vs.105).aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-CN/library/windows/apps/microsoft.phone.tasks.marketplacedetailtask(v=vs.105).aspx

 await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(
          new Uri("ms-windows-store:reviewapp?appid=723e25d1-a0ee-4824-b389-XXXXXX"));

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