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[英]Remove Everything from a string .. Only Leave Numbers in it

The string might be: 该字符串可能是:


I would like to remove everything from it but only leave behind numbers. 我想从中删除所有内容,但只留下数字。

A simple way to do this is with the regular expression library re : 一个简单的方法是使用正则表达式库re

>>> import re
>>> yourString = "JAIDK392**8'^+%&7JDJ0204İŞÇéS29487"
>>> numberOnlyString = re.sub('[^0-9]', '', yourString)
>>> print numberOnlyString

There's a way to do it without using any library. 有一种无需使用任何库即可完成此操作的方法。 You can use the built-in function ord to get the ASCII code of a character. 您可以使用内置函数ord获取字符的ASCII码。 Then you can parse every character in your string to check if it is a number (If it is its ASCII code should be between 47 and 58. 然后,您可以解析字符串中的每个字符以检查它是否为数字(如果为数字,则其ASCII码应在47到58之间。

 str = "JAIDK392**8'^+%&7JDJ0204İŞÇéS29487" output = [] for char in str: if 47 < ord(char) < 58: output.append(char) result=''.join(output) print result 

Regular expressions are great, but another way to do it would be: 正则表达式很棒,但是另一种方式是:

>>> import string
>>> digits_only = "".join(_ for _ in your_string if _ in string.digits)

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