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如何从字符串中删除所有内容并仅保留数字(比*** re.sub('[^ 0-9]','',str)***更快的东西)?

[英]How to remove everything from a string and leave behind only digits ( something faster than *** re.sub('[^0-9]', '', str) ***)?

I run this line to remove everything but the digits from a string. 我运行此行以删除字符串中除数字外的所有内容。

str = "a111.113ç"
str = re.sub('[^0-9]', '', str)

but perhaps having to .. 但也许不得不

import re

might be slowing things down.. 可能会减慢速度。

is there a more speedy version of this without importing re ? 是否有一个更快速的版本而不导入re?


perhaps i should find out what is inside of "re" and then bring that over to my script by copy pasting the function directly into my script ? 也许我应该找出“ re”里面是什么,然后通过将函数直接粘贴到我的脚本中来将其带到我的脚本中?

Using filter and str.isdigit : 使用filterstr.isdigit

>>> filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), "a111.113ç")

BTW, don't use str as a variable name. 顺便说一句,不要使用str作为变量名。 It will shadow a builtin function/type str . 它将隐藏一个内置函数/类型str


filter(lambda x: 47 < ord(x) < 58, str)

If you want speed, re is probably the best choice. 如果您想提高速度,那么re可能是最佳选择。 Python is not very fast in making iterations so it is best to rely an some library which is dedicated and optimized for this task. Python进行迭代的速度不是很快,因此最好依赖一些专门针对此任务进行了优化的库。

This should be faster than a regex: 这应该比正则表达式更快:

>>> ''.join(filter(str.isdigit, '3,14%_56'))

Another possibility is to use str.translate() : 另一种可能性是使用str.translate()

>>> delchars = ''.join(chr(i) for i in range(256) if not chr(i).isdigit())
>>> '3,14%_56'.translate(None, delchars)

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