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如何通过流浪汉使用Elasticsearch Marvel?

[英]How to use Elasticsearch Marvel via vagrant?

I use vagrant (box with Ubuntu). 我使用无业游民(Ubuntu中的包装盒)。 I have Elasticsearch installed on it. 我已经安装了Elasticsearch。 It available at 它可以在


in my Ubuntu. 在我的Ubuntu中。 Marvel available at 奇迹可在


How can I enter Marvel on my host? 如何在主机上输入Marvel? I usually use the following code to create virtual host for my sites: 我通常使用以下代码为我的站点创建虚拟主机:

<VirtualHost *:80>

    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    ServerName some.

    DocumentRoot /var/www/some

    <Directory /var/www/some>
        Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted

    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/some-

    # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
    # alert, emerg.
    LogLevel warn

    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/some- combined


No need of using virtual hosts at all. 完全不需要使用虚拟主机。 The only things needed to work with elasticsearch via Vagrant: 通过Vagrant与Elasticsearch结合使用的唯一条件是:

1) 'config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 9200, host: 9200' in Vagrantfile 1)Vagrantfile中的'config.vm.network:forwarded_port,guest:9200,host:9200'

2) Need to add 'network.bind_host: ' in ES config (I had 'localhost' here - that was my problem) 2)需要在ES配置中添加``network.bind_host: ''(我在这里有``localhost''-这是我的问题)

3) Restart Elasticsearch. 3)重新启动Elasticsearch。

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