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[英]Perl:Undefined subroutine &main

One of my non-developer friend asked my help about that issue. 我的非开发人员朋友中的一位问我有关此问题的帮助。 I am a windows developer, i don`t know anything about Perl, also script languages. 我是Windows开发人员,我不了解Perl,也不了解脚本语言。 I tried to search the issue but could not find a solution. 我试图搜索问题,但是找不到解决方案。 Is there anyone can tell me what is the problem here and how to fix it. 有没有人可以告诉我这里是什么问题以及如何解决。

Error after clicking the button: 单击按钮后出现错误:

Undefined subroutine &main::quote_javascript called at /usr/libexec/webmin/chooser.cgi line 192.

And the line 192 is : 192行是:

$link = "<a href=\"\" onClick='fileclick(\"".&quote_javascript("$dir$f")."\", $isdir); return false'>";

The code that's actually triggering the error is of the form 实际触发错误的代码的形式为

... quote_javascript(...) ...

You are calling a sub named quote_javascript (in the current package, main ). 您正在调用一个名为quote_javascript (在当前包main )。 There is no sub named quote_javascript (in the current package, main ). 没有名为quote_javascriptquote_javascript (在当前包中, main )。

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