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Perl:Undefined subroutine &main

One of my non-developer friend asked my help about that issue. I am a windows developer, i don`t know anything about Perl, also script languages. I tried to search the issue but could not find a solution. Is there anyone can tell me what is the problem here and how to fix it.

Error after clicking the button:

Undefined subroutine &main::quote_javascript called at /usr/libexec/webmin/chooser.cgi line 192.

And the line 192 is :

$link = "<a href=\"\" onClick='fileclick(\"".&quote_javascript("$dir$f")."\", $isdir); return false'>";

The code that's actually triggering the error is of the form

... quote_javascript(...) ...

You are calling a sub named quote_javascript (in the current package, main ). There is no sub named quote_javascript (in the current package, main ).

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