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将const rvalue绑定到rvalue参考

[英]Binding const rvalue to rvalue reference

While implementing a BS Tree, I noticed some things that I wasn't so sure about since I started using C++11 smart pointers and it makes me wonder why it is so. 在实现BS树时,由于我开始使用C ++ 11智能指针,我注意到了一些不确定的事情,这让我想知道为什么会这样。 The code below works fine if I use init-brace pairs{} instead of the parentheses; 如果我使用init-brace pair {}而不是括号,则下面的代码可以正常工作; my personal rule is to value initialize every member(directly or through a ctor) and since Node::right and Node::left are both smart pointers, therefore, nullptr it is. 我个人的规则是(直接或通过ctor)对每个成员进行值初始化,并且由于Node :: rightNode :: left都是智能指针,因此, nullptr是。 Question 1 : Why does the parentheses fail and init-brace pairs succeed? 问题1 :为什么括号会失败,而括号对会成功? In this case ONLY, is there any semantic difference between the two? 仅在这种情况下,两者之间在语义上有什么区别吗?

In BST , in the ctor that takes an std::initializer_list, I understand that std::initializer_list elements are only copyable, according to this . BST,在其采用的std :: initializer_list的构造函数,我明白的std :: initializer_list元素仅可复制,根据这个 So if I'm not wrong, according to Scott Meyer at the recent GN13, performing a move on a const object would only trigger the copy-ctor of the object. 因此,根据最近的GN13的斯科特·迈耶(Scott Meyer)的说法,如果我没记错,对const对象执行移动只会触发该对象的copy-ctor。

Quesion 2 Why does the compiler fail to copy the object at the call to BST::insert( T&& ) ? 问题2为什么编译器在调用BST :: insert(T &&)时无法将对象复制?

#include <memory>

template<typename T>
struct Node

    //~ std::unique_ptr<Node<T>> left ( nullptr ), right ( nullptr );
    std::unique_ptr<Node<T>> left { nullptr }, right { nullptr };
    Node<T> *parent = nullptr;
    T value { };
    Node<T> () = default;
    Node<T> ( T && val, Node<T> * _left = nullptr, Node<T> *_right = nullptr,
          Node<T> *_parent = nullptr ): left( _left ), right ( _right ), parent( _parent ),
                                        value ( std::move( val ) )

template<typename T>
struct BinarySearchTree
    std::unique_ptr<Node<T>> root;

    BinarySearchTree(): root { nullptr } { }
    BinarySearchTree( std::initializer_list<T> && lst ): BinarySearchTree { }{
    //If the below code were changed to
    //~ for( auto && i: lst ){ it would be an error
        for( typename std::remove_reference<typename std::remove_const<T>::type>::type i: lst ){
            this->insert( std::move( i ) );
    void insert( T && v ) { }

int main(){
    BinarySearchTree<int> a { 11, 24 };

    return 0;

Why does the parentheses fail and init-brace pairs succeed? 为什么括号会失败,而括号对会成功?

Because parentheses are used for function declarations. 因为括号用于函数声明。 You cannot use them to initialise variables at class scope. 您不能使用它们在类范围内初始化变量。 Even int i(1); 甚至int i(1); won't work. 将无法正常工作。

Why does the compiler fail to copy the object at the call to BST::insert( T&& ) ? 为什么编译器在调用BST :: insert(T &&)时无法将对象复制?

You're not being fair in your comparison. 您的比较不公平。 In your auto version, you explicitly ask for a reference type. auto版本中,您明确要求引用类型。 In your non- auto version, you explicitly ask for a non-reference type. 在非auto版本中,您明确要求提供非引用类型。 Removing the && would make the auto version work too. 删除&&也会使auto版本正常工作。

Your insert method takes a T && . 您的insert方法采用T && That's a non- const -qualified reference, so it cannot bind to any const object. 那是一个非const限定的引用,因此它不能绑定到任何const对象。

auto && is deduced to const int && , because you cannot change the contents of an initializer_list<int> : its begin() and end() methods return const int * . auto &&被推导为const int && ,因为您不能更改initializer_list<int>的内容:它的begin()end()方法返回const int * Adding std::move doesn't work, you cannot bypass const like that. 添加std::move无法正常工作,您不能像这样绕过const

auto would deduce to int , and would work: you'd get a fresh non- const int local variable i , containing a copy of the value in the initialiser list. auto可以推断为int ,并且可以工作:您将获得一个新鲜的非const int局部变量i ,其中包含初始化程序列表中值的副本。 You can form non- const references to that local variable. 您可以形成对该局部变量的非const引用。

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