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[英]Generating a table of contents (toc) when using knitr's spin()

I use knitr's spin() function to generate html reports. 我使用knitr的spin()函数来生成html报告。

Is there a way to make spin() generate a table of contents (toc) for headings embedded in the comments somehow? 有没有办法让spin()以某种方式为注释中嵌入的标题生成目录(toc)?

(Note: I cannot use pandoc for that and have to use the markdown & html generator provided by knitr.) (注意:我不能使用pandoc,必须使用knitr提供的markdown和html生成器。)

Given spin.R : 鉴于spin.R

#' # Heading

#' And now we can do this

#' # Fitting


then two steps: 然后两步:

knit2html("spin.Rmd", options = c("toc", markdown::markdownHTMLOptions(TRUE)))

produces html with a toc. 用toc生成html。

Credit: http://rpubs.com/alobo/spintutorial 图片来源: http//rpubs.com/alobo/spintutorial

Alternatively you can add a YAML header at the top of your R script and then click the Compile Notebook button in the latest versions of RStudio. 或者,您可以在R脚本的顶部添加YAML标题,然后单击最新版本的RStudio中的“编译笔记本”按钮。 Example YAML is: 示例YAML是:

#' ---
#' title: "My Analysis "
#' author: "Me"
#' date: "2016-03-11"
#' output:
#'    word_document:
#'       reference_docx: knitr_template.docx
#'       toc: true
#' always_allow_html: yes  
#' ---

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