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[英]r: how to remove row numbers coming from a separate list in multiple data frames using lapply

I have many data frames organized in a list object. 我在列表对象中组织了许多数据框。 And I have a second list of vectors, that contain row numbers that I want to remove in my data frames. 我还有第二个向量列表,其中包含要在数据帧中删除的行号。 The rows to be removed are different for each data frame. 每个数据帧要删除的行都不同。 Therefore the number of elements in the list of data frames is equal to the number of elements in the list of vectors. 因此,数据帧列表中的元素数量等于矢量列表中的元素数量。 Here the code I've tried out: 这是我尝试过的代码:

test_list<-lapply(test_list, function(x) data.frame(1,1:10,"c"))
vec_list<-lapply(vec_list, function (x) x<-sample(seq(1,10),4))
clean_list<-lapply(test_list, function (x,y) clean_list<-x[-y,],vec_list)


Map(function(l, v) l[-v,], test_list, vec_list)

If you want to use lapply , one way is: 如果要使用lapply ,一种方法是:

  lapply(seq_along(test_list), function(i) test_list[[i]][-vec_list[[i]],])

Benchmarks 基准测试

On a medium list data, 在中型列表数据上,

 test_list<-lapply(test_list, function(x) data.frame(1,1:10,"c"))
 vec_list<-lapply(vec_list, function (x) x<-sample(seq(1,10),4))

 f1 <- function() lapply(seq_along(test_list), function(i) test_list[[i]][-vec_list[[i]],])
 f2 <- function() Map(function(l, v) l[-v,], test_list, vec_list)

 microbenchmark(f1(), f2(), unit="relative", times=25L)
 #Unit: relative
 #expr       min        lq  median       uq       max neval
 #f1() 0.9874164 0.9977816 1.00573 1.000419 0.9837334    25
 #f2() 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.00000 1.000000 1.0000000    25

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