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[英]How to get Akka actor by name as an ActorRef?

In Akka I can create an actor as follows. 在Akka我可以创建一个演员如下。

Akka.system(app).actorOf(Props(classOf[UnzipActor]), name="somename")

Then I am in a different class, how can I get this actor? 然后我在另一个班级,我怎么能得到这个演员呢?

I can get an ActorSelection 我可以得到一个ActorSelection

lazy val unzip: ActorSelection =
  Akka.system.actorSelection("user/" + "somename")

However, a ActorSelection is not what I want; 但是, ActorSelection不是我想要的; I want an ActorRef . 我想要一个ActorRef How can I get a ActorRef ? 我如何获得ActorRef

I want to have an ActorRef since I wish to schedule a call to an ActorRef using the scheduler. 我希望有一个ActorRef因为我希望使用调度程序调度一个ActorRef

  5 seconds, 60 seconds, mustBeActorRef, MessageCaseClass())

You can use the method resolveOne on an ActorSelection to get an ActorRef asynchronously. 您可以在resolveOne上使用方法resolveOne来异步获取ActorRef。

implicit val timeout = Timeout(FiniteDuration(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
Akka.system.actorSelection("user/" + "somename").resolveOne().onComplete {
  case Success(actorRef) => // logic with the actorRef
  case Failure(ex) => Logger.warn("user/" + "somename" + " does not exist")

ref : http://doc.akka.io/api/akka/2.3.6/index.html#akka.actor.ActorSelection 参考: http//doc.akka.io/api/akka/2.3.6/index.html#akka.actor.ActorSelection

Looking up Actors by Concrete Path : 通过具体路径查找演员

To acquire an ActorRef that is bound to the life-cycle of a specific actor you need to send a message, such as the built-in Identify message, to the actor and use the sender() reference of a reply from the actor. 要获取绑定到特定actor的生命周期的ActorRef ,您需要向actor发送消息(例如内置Identify消息)并使用来自actor的回复的sender()引用。

But for the case you're describing, it might be more appropriate to use the scheduler to send a message to an ActorRef you already have (like self or a new temporary actor), and react to that message by sending a MessageCaseClass to actorSelection("user/somename") . 但是对于您正在描述的情况,使用调度程序将消息发送到您已经拥有的ActorRef (如self或新的临时actor)可能更合适,并通过向actorSelection("user/somename")发送MessageCaseClassactorSelection("user/somename")消息做出反应actorSelection("user/somename")

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