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[英]javascript not seeing html after page load

I am creating a dynamic jobs list from a database that has conditional salary reporting based on union type. 我正在从具有基于工会类型的条件薪水报告的数据库中创建动态工作列表。 To handle the conditional statements I decided to build the dataset in the in the pageload section of the cs page for output to a label on the aspx page. 为了处理条件语句,我决定在cs页面的pageload部分中的构建数据集,以输出到aspx页面上的标签。 All works as expected. 所有工作均按预期进行。 The problem comes when I try to run JQuery or Javascripts on the HTML to collapse and expand the job titles to reveal the requirements. 当我尝试在HTML上运行JQuery或Javascript以折叠并展开职位以显示要求时,就会出现问题。 There are tons of way to do this in using JQuery, JS and Ajaxtookit. 使用JQuery,JS和Ajaxtookit有很多方法可以做到这一点。 All work like a charm on static HTML. 所有这些在静态HTML上都像是一种魅力。 But .Net adds a span tag to my output which throws a wrench into the layout preventing the scripts from working. 但是.Net在我的输出中添加了一个span标签,这会在布局中投入一把扳手,从而导致脚本无法正常工作。 I then added a JQ function to remove the span tag then run the other scripts (all which I placed at the bottom of the page so they would get called after the page was loaded). 然后,我添加了一个JQ函数以删除span标记,然后运行其他脚本(所有脚本都放置在页面底部,以便在加载页面后调用它们)。 Neither Document.ready or window.load had any effect. Document.ready或window.load均无效。 It appears that page load and page rendered states may be the issue. 看来页面加载和页面渲染状态可能是问题所在。 How can I get JQ and JS to see the html once it's written? 写入HTML后,如何让JQ和JS看到html? Thanks 谢谢


 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        String strConnString96 = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["JobList_ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
        OleDbConnection con96 = new OleDbConnection(strConnString96);
        OleDbCommand cmd96 = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM JOBS WHERE (Status = 'Open') AND (Approved = 'Yes')", con96);
        OleDbDataAdapter da96 = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd96);
        DataTable dtJobList = new DataTable();

         if (dtJobList == null || dtJobList.Rows.Count == 0)
            lblJobList.Text = "<h3>No positions available at this time.</h3>";

         if (dtJobList != null && dtJobList.Rows.Count > 0)
             System.Text.StringBuilder sb1 = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

             int i = 0;
             foreach (DataRow row in dtJobList.Rows)

                 string JobTitle = row["Job_Title"].ToString();
                 string Func = row["Functions"].ToString();
                 string Qual = row["Qualifications"].ToString();
                 string ReqNum = row["Req_Number"].ToString();
                 string Low = row["Low_Range"].ToString();
                 string High = row["High_Range"].ToString();
                 string SalType = row["Salary_Type"].ToString();
                 string Union = row["Union"].ToString();

                 sb1.Append("<div id='JobNbr-" + i + "'><h4>" + JobTitle + "</h4><h5>Essential Functions</h5><p>" + Func + "</p><h5>Qualifications</h5><p>" + Qual + "<p>");

                 if (Union == "Executive" || Union == "Local 6" || Union == "C93")

                     sb1.AppendLine("<h5>Starting Salary</h5><p>" + Low + " - " + High + " <i>(" + SalType + ")</i>");                                                                         

                     sb1.AppendLine("<h5>Starting Salary</h5><p>" + High + " <i>(" + SalType + ")</i>");


                 sb1.AppendLine("<a href='/HR_WebForm/HR_Form.aspx?Req_Number=" + ReqNum + "&Job_Title=" + JobTitle + "'><img src='/Resources/icons/apply.gif' alt='Apply' /></a></p></div>");

                 lblJobList.Text = sb1.ToString();



<asp:Content ID="Content4" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolderMain" runat="server">


   <div id="Employment">
    <h2>Join New England's largest retail water &amp; sewer provider!</h2>

<h2>How to Apply:</h2>

<ol><li>Submit your resume and cover letter online, please send attachments in PDF or Microsoft Word format, if not please fax to 617-989-7754 OR</li>

<li>Visit our Human Resources Department at 980 Harrison Avenue Boston, MA 02119</li></ol>

<p>We are located on several MBTA bus routes and visitors' parking is available on-site. Our office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00AM to 5:00PM.

<p>Come join our team!</p>

<h2>Current Openings</h2>

<div id="CurrentOpenings">

    <a id="On" name="On" onclick="openAll('CurrentOpenings', 'h4','');" href="#_" class="hideIfNoJS">Open All</a>
    <a id="Off" name="Off" onclick="closeAll('CurrentOpenings', 'h4','');" href="#_" class="hideIfNoJS">Close All</a>

<asp:Label ID="lblJobList" runat="server" Text="Label" />


    <script>window.onload = "setCollapseExpand('CurrentOpenings', 'h4',''); revealControl('On'); revealControl('Off');"</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/JScode/expandcollapse.js"></script>

You are setting window.onload to a string. 您正在将window.onload设置为字符串。

window.onload = "setCollapseExpand('CurrentOpenings', 'h4',''); revealControl('On'); revealControl('Off');"</script>

It is expecting a function. 期待功能。 Since you tagged this jquery, use it. 由于您已标记此jquery,因此请使用它。

$(window).on("load", function () {
    setCollapseExpand('CurrentOpenings', 'h4','');

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