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[英]Loading javascript after html page load

I'm trying to make sure that an external javascript file loads last on the page. 我正在尝试确保外部javascript文件最后加载到页面上。

The javascript file "script.js" (which controls the image slider) should be last. javascript文件“script.js”(控制图像滑块)应该是最后一个。 I suspect it's not loading last right now because my webpage is covered with a red background image, which is defined in the file. 我怀疑它现在没有加载,因为我的网页上覆盖了红色背景图像,该图像在文件中定义。 When I remove the script.js file, my webpage shows up normally, but the slider functions don't work. 当我删除script.js文件时,我的网页正常显示,但滑块功能不起作用。

On first load, the proper layout shows up for a second before being covered by the red background image. 在第一次加载时,正确的布局会在被红色背景图像覆盖之前显示一秒钟。

Currently, at the end of my html file, I have: 目前,在我的html文件的末尾,我有:

 <!-- script references --> <!-- jquery script --> <script type='text/javascript' src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type='text/javascript' src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script type='text/javascript' src="js/classie.js"></script> <script type='text/javascript' src="js/main.js"></script> <!-- script --> <script type='text/javascript' src="js/script.js"></script> 

This website is using the same exact slider, and has the javascript files in the same order, but mine doesn't work. 这个网站使用相同的确切滑块,并具有相同顺序的javascript文件,但我的不起作用。

My live website is here . 我的直播网站就在这里 I've tried 我试过了

  var script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('src', 'http://learningbycreating.com/js/script.js'); script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); 

I then tried require.js, but got pretty lost given my beginning level of javascript. 然后我尝试了require.js,但是考虑到我的初始javascript级别,我很失落。

I also tried 我也试过了

 <script> $.getScript("Your js file path",function(){ $(document).ready(ready); }); </script> 

but received errors due to the use of jQuery. 但由于使用了jQuery而收到错误。

This is the javascript file that's causing problems: 这是导致问题的javascript文件:

 (function() { var pages = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.pages > .page')), currentPage = 0, revealerOpts = { // the layers are the elements that move from the sides nmbLayers: 3, // bg color of each layer bgcolor: ['#0092DD', '#fff', 'red'], // effect classname effect: 'anim--effect-1', onStart: function(direction) { // next page gets class page--animate-[direction] var nextPage = pages[currentPage === 0 ? 0 : currentPage]; classie.add(nextPage, 'page--animate-' + direction); }, onEnd: function(direction) { // remove class page--animate-[direction] from next page var nextPage = pages[currentPage === 0 ? pages.length - 1 : 0]; nextPage.className = 'page'; } }; revealer = new Revealer(revealerOpts); // clicking the page nav buttons document.querySelector('button.pagenav__button--top').addEventListener('click', function() { reveal('top'); }); document.querySelector('button.pagenav__button--bottom').addEventListener('click', function() { reveal('bottom'); }); // triggers the effect by calling instance.reveal(direction, callbackTime, callbackFn) function reveal(direction) { var callbackTime = 750, callbackFn = function() { classie.remove(pages[currentPage], 'page--current'); currentPage = currentPage < pages.length - 1 ? currentPage + 1 : 0; classie.add(pages[currentPage], 'page--current'); }; revealer.reveal(direction, callbackTime, callbackFn); } })(); 

Any chance there's a simpler fix I'm missing? 我有什么机会找到一个更简单的修复方法吗?

Thanks so much! 非常感谢!

Thanks for the details! 谢谢你的详细信息! It helps seeing the problem on the live site. 它有助于在实际网站上查看问题。 It looks like you're using Wordpress, so I'd recommend enqueueing this script using the functions.php file and the wp_enqueue_script function. 看起来你正在使用Wordpress,所以我建议使用functions.php文件和wp_enqueue_script函数来排队这个脚本。

Using this, you can control where the script loads and specify it if has any dependencies, like jQuery. 使用它,您可以控制脚本加载的位置,并指定它是否有任何依赖项,如jQuery。

Here is some documentation on usage . 这是一些有关使用的文档。

If this seems confusing, let me know and I can try to help further. 如果这看起来令人困惑,请告诉我,我可以尝试进一步提供帮助。

Thanks for the help! 谢谢您的帮助! Once I set the 10 second window delay, I realized the trouble is not actually with javascript load order, as it's an issue with flexbox. 一旦我设置了10秒的窗口延迟,我意识到问题实际上并不是javascript加载顺序,因为这是flexbox的一个问题。 (The "color" slide that overlays as the transition is taking up 100% of the screen vs only 70%.) I'll ask a separate question about that! (作为转换覆盖的“颜色”幻灯片占据屏幕的100%而仅占70%。)我会问一个单独的问题!

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