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[英]SQL: How to add a column with the minimum value

I would appreciate your support, I'd like to build a SQL qry to obtain as result an additional comlumn with the minimum value of group of codes based on 2 tables. 多谢您的支持,我想构建一个SQL qry来获得一个额外的列,其结果是基于2个表的代码组的最小值。

For example:I have 2 tables 例如:我有2张桌子

Table: extract 表:提取物

AppCode | Phase |
AB | Phase 2
ABC | Phase 1
ABC | Phase 2
ABCD | Phase 1
ABCE | Phase 3
ABCE | Phase 2 

Table: Phases 表:阶段

PhaseName | Objective
Phase 1 | 2
Phase 2 | 4
Phase 3 | 24

Output expected: 预期输出:

AppCode |   PhaseName |  Objective |  MinObjetivo 
AB |       Phase 2 |        4 |            4
ABC |      Phase 1 |        2 |            2 
ABC |      Phase 2 |        4 |            2 
ABCD |     Phase 1 |        2 |            2
ABCE |     Phase 3 |        24 |           4
ABCE |     Phase 2 |        4 |            4

Please Let me know; 请告诉我; if with this example is not enough 如果用这个例子还不够

This is basically a join , but with a twist. 这基本上是一个join ,但有所不同。 Most databases support window functions, and these will do what you want: 大多数数据库都支持窗口功能,而这些功能可以满足您的要求:

select e.appcode, p.phasename, p.objective,
       min(p.objective) over (partition by e.appcode) as minObjetivo
from extract e join
     phases p
     on e.phase = p.phasename;

In MySQL: 在MySQL中:

SELECT e.appcode, p.phasename, p.objective, m.minobjectivo
FROM extract AS e
JOIN phases AS p ON e.phase = p.phasename
JOIN (SELECT e1.appcode, MIN(p1.objective) as minobjectivo
      FROM extract AS e1
      JOIN phases AS p1 ON e1.phase = p1.phasename
      GROUP BY e1.appcode) AS m
    ON e.appcode = m.appcode

This starts out as an ordinary join between extract and phases , to get the first 3 columns. 它以extractphases之间的普通联接开始,以获得前三列。 Then you write a subquery that gets the minimum objective for each appcode, and join this to get the additional column. 然后,编写一个子查询,该子查询获取每个应用程序代码的最低目标,并将其联接以获取其他列。


Here's another way to write it: 这是另一种写法:

SELECT e.appcode, p.phasename, p.objective, MIN(p1.objective) AS minobjectivo
FROM extract AS e
JOIN phases AS p ON e.phase = p.phasename
JOIN extract AS e1 ON e1.appcode = e.appcode
JOIN phases AS p1 ON e1.phase = p1.phasename
GROUP BY e.appcode, p.phasename

This is similar, but the additional joins are done in the main query instead of a subquery. 这是相似的,但是附加联接是在主查询而不是子查询中完成的。


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