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C ++内存访问错误

[英]C++ memory access error

I've got a problem when trying to call a function Organization::addWorker, it seems to fail on a memory deallocation step, an operator delete[], but the memory have already been freed which the pointer shows to. 尝试调用函数Organization :: addWorker时遇到问题,它似乎在内存释放步骤,操作符delete []上失败,但是指针已显示的内存已被释放。

call stack: 调用堆栈:

lab1.exe!Person::setName(char * thename)Line 80 C++ Lab1.exe!Person :: setName(char * thename)行80 C ++

lab1.exe!Coworker::operator=(Coworker & theco)Line 303 C++ lab1.exe!Coworker :: operator = {Coworker&theco)线303 C ++

lab1.exe!Organization::addWorker(Coworker & theworker)Line 404 C++ lab1.exe!Organization :: addWorker(Coworker&theworker)Line 404 C ++

lab1.exe!main()Line 97 C++ main1)行97 C ++

   #include <string>
    #include "class_Date.h"

    using namespace std;

    enum workNec { worker, manager, employer };

    class Person {

        char* name; 
        char* surname;
        Date bd;


        Person(char* thename, char* thesurname, Date thebd);
        Person(const Person &theperson);

        char* getName() { return name; }
        char* getSurname() { return surname; }
        Date getBD() { return bd; }

        void getFullInfo();

        Person & setName(char* thename);
        Person & setSurname(char* thesurname);
        Person & setBD(int dd, int mm, int yy);
        Person & setBD(Date thebd);

        Person & operator=(Person& thepers);


    Person::Person() { 

        name = new char [1];
        strcpy(name, "");
        surname = new char[1];
        strcpy(surname, "");


    Person::Person(char* thename, char* thesurname, Date thebd) { 

        name = new char [strlen(thename)+1];
        surname = new char [strlen(thesurname)+1];
        strcpy(name, thename);
        strcpy(surname, thesurname);
        bd = thebd;

    Person::Person(const Person & theperson) { 

        name = new char[strlen(theperson.name) + 1];
        surname = new char[strlen(theperson.surname) + 1];
        strcpy(name, theperson.name);
        strcpy(surname, theperson.surname);
        bd = theperson.bd;

    Person::~Person() {

        cout << "Destructing Person " << name << endl;
        delete [] name;
        delete [] surname;


    void Person::getFullInfo() { 

        cout << name << " " << surname << " "; bd.getFullDate(); 


    Person & Person::setName(char* thename)  { 

        delete [] name;
        name = new char[strlen(thename) + 1]; strcpy(name, thename); 
        return *this; 


    Person & Person::setSurname(char* thesurname) { 

        delete [] surname;
        surname = new char[strlen(thesurname) + 1]; strcpy(surname, thesurname);
        return *this; 

    Person & Person::setBD(int dd, int mm, int yy) { 

        bd.setDD(dd); bd.setMM(mm); bd.setYY(yy); 
        return *this; 


    Person & Person::setBD(Date thebd) { 

        bd = thebd; 
        return *this; 


    Person & Person::operator=(Person& thepers) {

        delete [] this->name;
        delete [] this->surname;
        this->name = new char[strlen(thepers.name) + 1];
        this->surname = new char[strlen(thepers.surname) + 1];
        strcpy(this->name, thepers.name);
        strcpy(this->surname, thepers.surname);
        bd = thepers.bd;
        return *this;


    class Position {

        char* department;
        workNec wn;
        int salary;


        Position(char *thedept, workNec thewn, int thesalary);
        Position(const Position & thepos);

        char* getDept() { return department; }
        workNec getWorkNec() { return wn; }
        int getSalary() { return salary; }

        void getFullInfo();

        Position & setDept(char* dept);
        Position & setWorkNec(workNec nec);
        Position & setSalary(int sal);


    Position::Position() {

        department = new char[1];
        strcpy(department, "");


    Position::Position(char *thedept, workNec thewn, int thesalary) { 

        department = new char[strlen(thedept) + 1];
        strcpy(department, thedept);
        wn = thewn; 
        salary = thesalary; 


    Position::Position(const Position & thepos) { 

        department = new char[strlen(thepos.department)+1]; 
        strcpy(department, thepos.department);
        wn = thepos.wn; 
        salary = thepos.salary; 


    Position::~Position() { 

        cout << endl << "Deleting Position " << department << endl;
        delete [] department;


    void Position::getFullInfo() { 

        cout << department << " " << wn << " " << salary << " "; 


    Position & Position::setDept(char* dept) { 

        delete [] department;
        department = new char[strlen(dept)+1];
        strcpy(department, dept);
        return *this; 

    Position & Position::setWorkNec(workNec nec) {

        wn = nec; 
        return *this; 

    Position & Position::setSalary(int sal) { 

        salary = sal; 
        return *this; 



    class Coworker {

        Person person;
        Position position;


        Coworker(Person &theperson, Position &thepos);
        Coworker( Coworker & theco);

        Person getPerson() { return person; }
        Position getPosition() { return position; }

        void getFullInfo();

        Coworker & setPerson(Person &per);
        Coworker & setPosition(Position &pos);

        Coworker & operator=(Coworker& theco);


    Coworker::Coworker() {


    Coworker::Coworker(Person &theperson, Position &thepos) { 



    Coworker::Coworker(Coworker & theco) { 

        Person pers;
        pers = theco.person;
        Position pos = theco.position;



    Coworker::~Coworker() {

        cout << endl << "Deleting Coworker " << endl;


    void Coworker::getFullInfo() { 

        person.getFullInfo(); cout << " ";  position.getFullInfo(); 


    Coworker & Coworker::setPerson(Person &per) { 

        Person tper = per;
        return *this; 

    Coworker & Coworker::setPosition(Position &pos) { 

        Position tpos = pos;
        return *this; 


    Coworker & Coworker::operator=(Coworker& theco) {

        Person pers;
        pers = theco.person;
        Position pos;
        pos = theco.position;

        return *this;

    class Organization {

        char* title;
        Coworker * coworker;
        int cwAmount;


        Organization(char* thetitle, Coworker * theco, int thecw);
        Organization(const Organization & org);

        void addWorker(Coworker &theworker);

        char* getTitle() { return title; }
        int getAmount() { return cwAmount; }
        Coworker * getCoworker() { return coworker; }

        Organization & setTitle(char* tit);
        Organization & setAmount(int am);
        Organization & setCoworker(Coworker *theco);

        void getFullInfo();
        void getShortInfo();



    Organization::Organization() {

        title = new char[1];
        strcpy(title, "");
        cwAmount = 0;
        coworker = new Coworker[0];


    Organization::Organization(char* thetitle, Coworker * theco, int thecw) { 

        title = new char[strlen(thetitle) + 1];
        strcpy(title, thetitle);

        cwAmount = thecw; 
        coworker = new Coworker[cwAmount];

        for (int i = 0; i < cwAmount; i++) {




    Organization::Organization(const Organization & org) { 

        title = new char[strlen(org.title) + 1];
        strcpy(title, org.title);

        cwAmount = org.cwAmount; 

        coworker = new Coworker[cwAmount];

        for (int i = 0; i < cwAmount; i++) {




    Organization::~Organization() { 

        cout << endl << "Deleting Organization " <<title<< endl;
        delete [] coworker;


    void Organization::addWorker(Coworker &theworker) {
        cout << "a";

        Coworker * new_coworker = new Coworker[cwAmount + 1];

        for (int i = 0; i < cwAmount; i++) new_coworker[i] = coworker[i];


        new_coworker[cwAmount] = theworker;

        delete [] coworker;

        coworker = new_coworker;


    void Organization::getFullInfo() {

        std::cout << title << " " << cwAmount << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < cwAmount; i++) {
            cout << " ";
            cout << endl;


    void Organization::getShortInfo() {

        int total = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < cwAmount; i++) {

            total += coworker[i].getPosition().getSalary();


        std::cout << this->title << " " << total << std::endl;


    Organization & Organization::setTitle(char* tit) { 

        title = new char[strlen(tit)+1]; 
        strcpy(title, tit);
        return *this; 


    Organization & Organization::setAmount(int am) { 

        cwAmount = am; 
        return *this; 

    Organization & Organization::setCoworker(Coworker *theco) { 

        delete [] coworker;
        coworker = new Coworker [cwAmount];

        for (int i = 0; i < cwAmount; i++) {



        return *this; 


main.cpp: main.cpp中:


#include "classes_v23.h"

using namespace std;

int main() {
    Date d1;

    Date d2(19, 04, 1995);

    Date d3 = d2;

    d1.getFullDate(); cout << endl;
    d2.getFullDate(); cout << endl;
    d3.getFullDate(); cout << endl;


    Person pers1;


    Person pers2("name2", "surname2", d2);
    Person pers3 = pers2;

    pers1.getFullInfo(); cout << endl;
    pers2.getFullInfo(); cout << endl;
    pers3.getFullInfo(); cout << endl;


    Position pos1;


    Position pos2("dept2", worker, 200);
    Position pos3 = pos2;

    pos1.getFullInfo(); cout << endl;
    pos2.getFullInfo(); cout << endl;
    pos3.getFullInfo(); cout << endl;


    Coworker co1;

    Coworker co2(pers2, pos2);
    Coworker co3 = co2;
    Coworker co4(pers1, pos1);

    co1.getFullInfo(); cout << endl;
    co2.getFullInfo(); cout << endl;
    co3.getFullInfo(); cout << endl;


    Coworker * cow = new Coworker[3];
    cow[0] = co1;
    cow[1] = co2;
    cow[2] = co3;

    Organization org1("title", cow, 3);

I believe the problem is: 我相信问题是:

void Organization::addWorker(Coworker &theworker) {
    cout << "a";

    Coworker * new_coworker = new Coworker[cwAmount + 1];

    for (int i = 0; i < cwAmount; i++) new_coworker[i] = coworker[i];


    new_coworker[cwAmount] = theworker;

    delete [] coworker;

    coworker = new_coworker;


Notice that you increment cwAmount before assigning theworker . 请注意,您增加cwAmount分配之前theworker However I think you should assign first, then increment. 但是我认为您应该先分配,然后递增。 The empty element is located at the pre-increment index. 空元素位于预递增索引处。

This could also be done much easier using a vector. 使用向量也可以轻松得多。

First, you included <string> , but you failed to use what <string> has to offer, namely std::string . 首先,您包含了<string> ,但是您没有使用<string>必须提供的内容,即std::string Since you say you must use C-style strings, the correct header is <cstring> , not <string> . 因为您说必须使用C样式的字符串,所以正确的标头是<cstring> ,而不是<string>

Second, this function will not work if NULL is passed, or even a bogus pointer: 其次,如果传递NULL甚至伪造的指针,此函数将不起作用:

Person::Person(char* thename, char* thesurname, Date thebd) { 
        name = new char [strlen(thename)+1];   // undefined behavior if NULL is passed
        surname = new char [strlen(thesurname)+1];  // undefined behavior if NULL is passed

That function should be checking for NULL pointer argumemts. 该函数应检查NULL指针argumemts。 But even with that, there is a risk of being passed a pointer that isn't pointing to a valid buffer. 但是即使这样,也存在传递未指向有效缓冲区的指针的风险。

Now, as others stated, you need to write your assignment operator correctly and for every class that has pointers to dynamically allocated memory. 现在,正如其他人所述,您需要正确地为每个具有指向动态分配的内存的指针的类编写赋值运算符。

Let's start with the Person assignment operator: 让我们从Person赋值运算符开始:

 Person & Person::operator=(Person& thepers) {
        delete [] this->name;
        delete [] this->surname;
        this->name = new char[strlen(thepers.name) + 1];
        this->surname = new char[strlen(thepers.surname) + 1];
        strcpy(this->name, thepers.name);
        strcpy(this->surname, thepers.surname);
        bd = thepers.bd;
        return *this;

Not only is this redundant (most of this code is in the copy constructor), it fails for the following reasons: 这不仅是多余的(大部分代码在复制构造函数中),而且由于以下原因而失败:

  1. You delete[] the name and surname. delete[]名称和姓氏。 What happens if the following new[] throws an exception? 如果以下new[]引发异常会怎样? You've messed up your object by deleting your data before you could be assured that new wouldn't fail. 您已经通过删除数据弄乱了对象,然后才能确保新的操作不会失败。
  2. You don't check for self-assignment. 您不检查自我分配。
  3. The item should be passed as a const reference. 该项目应作为const引用传递。

The way to fix is simple, and I suggest you do that for all of your other classes. 修复方法很简单,我建议您对所有其他类都这样做。

 #include <algorithm>
 Person & Person::operator=(const Person& thepers) 
      Person other(thepers);
      swap(*this, other);
      return *this;

 void Person::swap(Person& left, Person& right)
      std::swap(left.name, right.name);
      std::swap(left.surname, right.surname);
      std::swap(left.bd, right.bd);

That's it, nothing else. 就是这样,仅此而已。 This is called the copy/swap idiom. 这称为copy/swap习语。 As long as you have coded a working and correct copy constructor, the code above not only copies correctly, it gets rid of the issues of self-assignment, and destroying members prematurely. 只要您编写了一个有效且正确的复制构造函数,上面的代码不仅可以正确复制,而且还消除了自我分配的问题并过早地破坏了成员。

The way it works is to create a temporary, "steal" the temporary's stuff for your own by swapping yours with the temporary's , and have the temporary die, along with your old stuff. 它的工作方式是创建一个临时的,通过将您的临时工与临时工交换来“窃取”您自己的临时工材料,并使临时工与您的旧材料一起死掉。 That in layman's terms is what is happening. 用外行的话说就是这样。

Please do this for the other classes. 其他班级请这样做。 For example, Coworker : 例如, Coworker

Coworker & Coworker::operator=(const Coworker& theco) 
   Coworker temp(theco);
   swap(*this, temp);
   return *this;

void Coworker::swap(Coworker& left, Coworker& right)
    std::swap(left.person, right.person);
    std::swap(left.position, right.position);

In addition, your Organization class is missing an assignment operator. 此外,您的Organization类缺少赋值运算符。 Just add one by using the above techniques. 只需使用上述技术添加一个即可。

Also, your setName function also suffers from deletion of memory before reallocation: 同样,您的setName函数还会在重新分配之前删除内存:

Person & Person::setName(char* thename)  { 
    delete [] name;
    name = new char[strlen(thename) + 1]; strcpy(name, thename); 
    return *this; 

This can also be alleviated by allocating to a temporary first, and then assigning the temporary at the end of the function: 也可以通过先分配给一个临时对象,然后在函数末尾分配该临时对象来缓解此问题:

Person & Person::setName(char* thename)  
    char *tempname = new char[strlen(thename) + 1]; 
    strcpy(tempname, thename); 
    delete [] name;
    name = tempname;
    return *this;

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