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使用Laravel 4路由到公用文件夹上的文件

[英]Routing to a file on public folder with Laravel 4

I have a route like this: 我有一条这样的路线:

 Route::any("/operations/xml", array("as"=>"operations.xml", "uses"=>"OperationsController@generateXml"));

And my controller generates an xml that saves inside the public folder: 然后我的控制器生成一个保存在公用文件夹内的xml:

OperationsController.php: OperationsController.php:

public function generateXml(){

    $doc = new DomDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
    $doc->formatOutput = true;

    //I add my stuff inside de xml from the database here...



But what I need is that when I navigate to the route http://example.com/operations/xml I will be able to download the xml. 但是我需要的是,当我导航到http://example.com/operations/xml路径时,将能够下载xml。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Add the following to the end of the function. 在函数末尾添加以下内容。

return Response::download(public_path() . "xml/test.xml", 'name.xml', array('Content-Type' => 'application/xml'));

The parameters are; 参数是;

  • 1st is the file path. 第一个是文件路径。
  • 2nd is the name of the file. 2nd是文件名。
  • 3rd are the headers. 第三是标题。

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