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[英]How to validate the user input in this case?

So for this program the user has to input a number from 1 to 4. Currently the program alerts the user if he mistakenly inputs a different number, but the issue is with characters. 因此,对于此程序,用户必须输入1到4之间的数字。当前,如果用户错误输入了其他数字,该程序将警告用户,但问题出在字符上。 If the user inputs any type of character other than a number the loop becomes an infinite loop. 如果用户输入数字以外的任何类型的字符,则循环将变为无限循环。

I would like to know if this is possible to accomplish in an intro level of C++ (much like the current code) 我想知道这是否可以在C ++的入门级完成(很像当前代码)

Here is the code 这是代码

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int firstNum,
        num;               // User's input answer for operations
    bool temBool = true;   // Temporary boolean used in the while loop
    unsigned seed;         // Random generator seed

    // Use the time function to get a "seed" value for srand
    seed = time(0);

    //Start of the loop
    while (temBool) 

    //Random generated operands
    firstNum = rand() % 40 + 10;
    secondNum = rand() % 40 + 10;

    // Set of randoms numbers for substraction where the denominator is always
    // lower than the numerator. 
    subFirstNum = rand() % 30 + 20;
    subSecNum = rand() % 10 + 10;

    // Menu of Math Tutor
    cout << "Math Tutor - Main Menu";
    cout << endl << endl;
    cout << "1. Adittion\n";
    cout << "2. Subtraction\n";
    cout << "3. Multiplication\n";
    cout << "4. Exit Program\n";
    cout << endl << endl;
    cout << "Choose your operation to practice (1-4) ";
    cin >> operNum; 
    cout << endl << endl;

    // Switch for the menu's options
    switch (operNum)

    case 1:
        cout << "Working with addition\n";
        cout << setw(3) << firstNum << "\n"
             << "+" << secondNum << "\n"
             << "---\n";
        cout << "Your answer: ";
        cin  >> num;
            if(num == firstNum + secondNum)
                cout << "Correct answer: " 
                     << firstNum + secondNum << " Congratulations!\n";
                cout << "Correct answer: " 
                     << firstNum + secondNum << " Sorry!\n";
        cout << endl << endl;
    case 2:
        cout << "Working with subtraction\n";
        cout << setw(3) << subFirstNum << "\n"
             << "-" << subSecNum << "\n"
             << "---\n";
        cout << "Your answer: ";
        cin  >> num;
            if(num == subFirstNum - subSecNum)
                cout << "Correct answer: " 
                     << subFirstNum - subSecNum << " Congratulations!\n";
                cout << "Correct answer: " 
                     << subFirstNum + subSecNum << " Sorry!\n";
        cout << endl << endl;
    case 3:
        cout << "Working with multiplication\n";
        cout << setw(3) << firstNum << "\n"
             << "*" << secondNum << "\n"
             << "---\n";
        cout << "Your answer: ";
        cin  >> num;
            if(num == firstNum * secondNum)
                cout << "Correct answer: " 
                     << firstNum * secondNum << " Congratulations!\n";
                cout << "Correct answer: " 
                     << firstNum * secondNum << " Sorry!\n";
        cout << endl << endl;
    case 4:
        cout << "Thank you for using Math Tutor.\n\n";
        temBool =  false;
              cout << "Incorrect menu seletion. Please choose between 1 and 4.\n\n";
    return 0;

Once a stream state heads south due to invalid extraction, format error, etc, there's very little you can do with it besides detect it, determine if clearing the failure state is applicable, do so if it is, and move on. 一旦流状态由于无效的提取,格式错误等原因而向南移动,除了检测到故障,确定清除故障状态是否适用,进行故障清除并继续操作之外,您几乎无能为力。 There are times when it is not applicable (such as arriving at EOF; not much good there). 有时它适用(例如到达EOF;在那里效果不佳)。

Something like this: 像这样:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int firstNum,
    num;               // User's input answer for operations
    bool temBool = true;   // Temporary boolean used in the while loop

    // Use the time function to get a "seed" value for srand

    //Start of the loop
    while (temBool)
        //Random generated operands
        firstNum = rand() % 40 + 10;
        secondNum = rand() % 40 + 10;

        // Set of randoms numbers for substraction where the denominator is always
        // lower than the numerator.
        subFirstNum = rand() % 30 + 20;
        subSecNum = rand() % 10 + 10;

        // Menu of Math Tutor
        cout << "Math Tutor - Main Menu";
        cout << endl << endl;
        cout << "1. Adittion\n";
        cout << "2. Subtraction\n";
        cout << "3. Multiplication\n";
        cout << "4. Exit Program\n";
        cout << endl << endl;
        cout << "Choose your operation to practice (1-4) ";

        // test for successful extraction
        if (!(std::cin >> operNum))
            // yes there are times when you actually use .eof()
            if (std::cin.eof())

            // flush out the stream through the pending newline
            std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');

        cout << endl << endl;

        // Switch for the menu's options
        switch (operNum)
            case 1:
                cout << "Working with addition\n";
                cout << setw(3) << firstNum << "\n"
                << "+" << secondNum << "\n"
                << "---\n";
                cout << "Your answer: ";
                cin  >> num;
                if(num == firstNum + secondNum)
                    cout << "Correct answer: "
                    << firstNum + secondNum << " Congratulations!\n";
                    cout << "Correct answer: "
                    << firstNum + secondNum << " Sorry!\n";
                cout << endl << endl;
            case 2:
                cout << "Working with subtraction\n";
                cout << setw(3) << subFirstNum << "\n"
                << "-" << subSecNum << "\n"
                << "---\n";
                cout << "Your answer: ";
                cin  >> num;
                if(num == subFirstNum - subSecNum)
                    cout << "Correct answer: "
                    << subFirstNum - subSecNum << " Congratulations!\n";
                    cout << "Correct answer: "
                    << subFirstNum + subSecNum << " Sorry!\n";
                cout << endl << endl;
            case 3:
                cout << "Working with multiplication\n";
                cout << setw(3) << firstNum << "\n"
                << "*" << secondNum << "\n"
                << "---\n";
                cout << "Your answer: ";
                cin  >> num;
                if(num == firstNum * secondNum)
                    cout << "Correct answer: "
                    << firstNum * secondNum << " Congratulations!\n";
                    cout << "Correct answer: "
                    << firstNum * secondNum << " Sorry!\n";
                cout << endl << endl;
            case 4:
                cout << "Thank you for using Math Tutor.\n\n";
                temBool =  false;
                cout << "Incorrect menu seletion. Please choose between 1 and 4.\n\n";
                return 0;

Surround the switch with an if statement 用if语句包围开关

if (operNum==1||operNum==2||operNum==3||operNum==4){

My organization has the following code for this sole purpose. 我的组织仅出于以下目的使用以下代码。

#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>

 * @brief function returns the integer value of the string entered, negative
       numbers in the input string are not allowed. First non-digit character
       (including minus sign (-)) terminates parsing of the input string
 * @exception throws no exception, return value for every input
 * @param[in] input string containing the response of the user
 * @return <int> errorValue = -1, non-negative value is the response of the user
int menuResponse(std::string input)
    int response = 0;
    int length = 0;
    response = atoi(input.c_str());   // <--- magic happens here
    // check for an error in the 1st character itself, only source of false 0 
    // as a response value
    if (isdigit(input[0]))
        return response;
        return -1;

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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