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[英]Processes in multiprocessing.Pool not reporting runtime errors

I have a pool of processes in python using from multiprocessing import Pool . from multiprocessing import Pool使用了python中的进程from multiprocessing import Pool I pass to those processes different functions to be ran, calling the Pool.apply_async function. 我将要运行的不同功能传递给那些进程,调用Pool.apply_async函数。 If I introduce an error in one of those functions (ie: a line of code such as 5/0 ), the expected command line report ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero never shows up, and the program never terminates. 如果我在其中一个函数中引入错误(即: 5/0之类的代码行),则预期的命令行报告ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero永远不会显示,并且程序永远不会终止。 Even if I introduce a callback function in the call to Pool.apply_async , the callback function never gets called if the function that the process has to execute has an error on it. 即使我在对Pool.apply_async的调用中引入了回调函数,但如果进程必须执行的函数出现错误,则也不会调用该回调函数。

How can I have those processes in the pool report errors and terminate if something goes wrong? 如何在池中使那些进程报告错误并在出现问题时终止?

You have to actually try to get the result from the AsyncResult returned by apply_async (or map_async ) for the exception to be raised in the parent. 您实际上必须尝试从apply_async (或map_async )返回的AsyncResult get结果,以便在父级中引发异常。

def func():
    raise Exception("We failed")

result = pool.apply_async(func, args=(arg))
result.get() # Exception only gets raised here

Any callback you provide is only executed if the function returns successfully. 您提供的任何callback仅在函数成功返回时执行。 It gets skipped if it raises an exception. 如果引发异常,它将被跳过。

In Python 3.2+, the error_callback keyword argument was introduced, which allows you to pass a callback that gets executed if an exception is raised in the worker, but you can't do that in Python 2.x. 在Python 3.2+中,引入了error_callback关键字参数,该参数允许您传递一个回调,如果在worker中引发异常,该回调将被执行,但是您不能在Python 2.x中做到这一点。 What you can do is use wrap your worker function in a try / except block that returns any exception raised in the worker, rather than raising it: 您可以执行的操作是将工作器函数包装在try / except块中,该函数返回在工作器中引发的任何异常,而不是引发该异常:

def func():
        raise Exception("We failed")
    except Exception as e:
        return e

Then you can have a normal callback function that checks to see if an Exception was returned: 然后,您可以使用普通的回调函数来检查是否返回了Exception

def callback(result):
   if isinstance(result, Exception):
       # Do whatever you need to do to clean up and exit
       # Function was successful

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