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[英]NoMethodError, undefined method in Ruby

I am new to Ruby and I'm working on an exercise about Classes and Inheritance . 我是Ruby的新手,正在从事有关继承的练习。

The instructions are as follows: 说明如下:

We should be able to call a larger_than? 我们应该能够调用一个更大的比? method on each shape. 每个形状的方法。 This method should evaluate two shapes and return true or false depending on one shape's area being larger than the other. 此方法应评估两个形状,并根据一个形状的面积大于另一个形状的面积返回真或假。 In other words, the larger_than? 换句话说,“大于”? method should return true if the receiving object is larger than the argument object: 如果接收对象大于参数对象,则方法应返回true:

I am having problems creating the larger_than? 我在创建large_than时遇到问题吗? method. 方法。 I don't know how to get the area from the other shapes and compare it to the receiving object's area. 我不知道如何从其他形状中获取面积并将其与接收对象的面积进行比较。

Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

class Shape
  attr_accessor :color, :area

  def initialize(color = nil)
    @color = color || 'Red'
  def larger_than?(object_area)
   if self.class.area > object_area

class Rectangle < Shape
      attr_accessor :width, :height

  def initialize(width, height, color = nil)
    @width, @height = width, height
    super(color) # this calls Shape#initialize
  def area
    width * height

class Square < Rectangle
  def initialize(side, color = nil)
    super(side, side, color) # calls `Rectangle#initialize`

class Circle < Shape
  attr_accessor :radius

  def initialize(radius, color = nil)
    @radius = radius
    super(color) # this calls Shape#initialize
  def area
    Math::PI * (radius*radius)

I don't understand why I'm facing this error: 我不明白为什么会遇到此错误:

undefined method `larger_than?' for #<B:0x007fdf3047d5a8 @color="Red">

It would be helpful if you provided actuall code that calls this comparison, but based on this code you are trying to compare a value of Fixnum class ( essentially an integer) to a NilClass (essentially nothing). 如果您提供了调用此比较的实际代码,这将很有帮助,但是基于此代码,您试图将Fixnum类的值(本质上是一个整数)与NilClass(基本上什么都没有)进行比较。

I'm assuming line 4 is this 我假设第4行是这个

if shape.area > self.class.area

I'm assuming when you call this line shape.area contains some kind of number of class Fixnum that gets calculated somewhere as Instance method , while you are comparing it to a Class method 我假设当您调用此线形时.area包含某种数量的Fixnum类,在将其与Class方法进行比较时会以Instance方法的形式进行计算

So two problems 所以两个问题

  1. Why is area in Shape class a Class method? 为什么Shape类中的area是Class方法? self.area - means it's executed as Shape.area not Shape.new.area - which I think is what you wanted. self.area-表示将其作为Shape.area执行,而不是Shape.new.area-我认为这是您想要的。
  2. You can't compare nil (which is what Shape.area -returns. Empty methods return nil, since there is nothing else for them to do) and a number. 您无法比较nil(这是Shape.area -returns的结果。空方法将返回nil,因为它们没有其他操作可做)和一个数字。 You could coerse nil into an integer like so nil.to_i => 0 and then do a comparison, but I don't think that's what you intended. 您可以将nil强制为一个整数,例如nil.to_i => 0,然后进行比较,但是我认为这不是您想要的。

If you could provide a piece of code that actually calls these classes or explain what you are trying to do - I would be able to help you further. 如果您可以提供一段实际调用这些类的代码或解释您要执行的操作-我将能够为您提供进一步的帮助。

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