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[英]C tail call optimization for boolean AND

Does GCC perform Tail call optimization on the following function? GCC是否对以下功能执行尾部调用优化?

bool isEqual(Node *head1, Node *head2)
    if(head1 == NULL || head2 == NULL)
        return head1 == NULL && head2 == NULL;
    return head1->data == head2->data && isEqual(head1->next, head2->next);

Yes it does, at least the way I compiled it. 是的,至少在编译方式上确实如此。 The assembly code for that function was 该函数的汇编代码为

isEqual(Node*, Node*):
    test    rdi, rdi
    sete    dl
    test    rsi, rsi
    sete    cl
    mov eax, ecx
    or  al, dl
    jne .L2
    mov edx, DWORD PTR [rsi+8]
    cmp DWORD PTR [rdi+8], edx
    je  .L5
    rep ret
    mov eax, ecx
    and eax, edx
    mov rdi, QWORD PTR [rdi]
    mov rsi, QWORD PTR [rsi]
    test    rdi, rdi
    sete    dl
    test    rsi, rsi
    sete    cl
    mov eax, ecx
    or  al, dl
    jne .L2
    mov ecx, DWORD PTR [rsi+8]
    cmp DWORD PTR [rdi+8], ecx
    je  .L5
    rep ret

That's clearly a loop, and no nested calls appear. 显然这是一个循环,并且没有嵌套调用出现。

You should verify whether it does something similar with your version of GCC on your platform and with your compilation options. 您应该验证它是否与您平台上的GCC版本以及您的编译选项有相似之处。

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