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[英]setup.py install leaving files where they are

I'm working with a custom package that I'd like to modify while I'm using it. 我正在使用一个自定义程序包,我想在使用它时对其进行修改。 When I run python setup.py install --user , it copies the files to another directory --- so everytime I make a change, I have to re- install with -f . 当我运行python setup.py install --user ,它将文件复制到另一个目录---因此,每次进行更改时,都必须使用-f重新install Is there a way to install without making a copy of the .py files --- so that I can keep modifying them in place? 有没有一种方法可以在不复制.py文件的情况下进行安装---这样我就可以继续对其进行修改了?

Do an "editable install": 执行“可编辑的安装”:

pip install --user -e .

This will add the current directory to your python path instead of copying the files into the packages directory. 这会将当前目录添加到您的python路径,而不是将文件复制到packages目录。

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