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[英]Running SQL against the source in Informatica and exporting results to a target table

Using Informatica designer, is there a way to run a complex SELECT statement as-is against a source database, and workflow it into a target table? 使用Informatica Designer,是否可以对源数据库按原样运行复杂的SELECT语句,并将其工作流到目标表中?

For example, SQL Server Integration Services makes it really easy to create source/target connections, paste your source SQL, and map the results to the target table. 例如,SQL Server Integration Services使创建源/目标连接,粘贴源SQL以及将结果映射到目标表变得非常容易。 When the package is run, SQL runs against the source, and results are dumped into the target. 运行该程序包时,SQL将针对源运行,并将结果转储到目标中。

Yes, it is possible. 对的,这是可能的。

You need to create a source definition with ports that reflect the columns in your SELECT statement and override the generated query with yours by putting it into the SQL Query field of the Source Qualifier transformation. 您需要创建带有端口的源定义,以反映SELECT语句中的列,并通过将生成的查询放入Source Qualifier转换的SQL Query字段中来覆盖生成的查询。

Then link the port to the target, generate the session and workflow, configure the connections and your're done. 然后将端口链接到目标,生成会话和工作流,配置连接即可完成。

Yes it is possible, Informatica generates a query of its own for the columns which you propagate from Source Qualififer and you can override this Query at 2 levels: 1. Mapping Level: In source qualifier you can override it and you can validate the query 2. Session Level: In session you can use SQL QUERY column for your source to overrirde the default query and validate that as well. 是的,有可能,Informatica会为您从Source Qualififer传播的列生成一个自己的查询,您可以在2个级别覆盖此查询:1.映射级别:在源限定符中,您可以覆盖它并可以验证查询2会话级别:在会话中,您可以使用SQL QUERY列作为源,以覆盖默认查询并进行验证。 Also at session level you can pass this query as a parameter giving you flexibility to change source query as and when you desire 同样在会话级别,您可以将此查询作为参数传递,从而使您可以灵活地在需要时更改源查询


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