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[英]Non-negative integer data type in java

Modulo-2 have a CARDINAL type which can hold any whole number from 0 to 65535 in a 16-bit microcomputer. Modulo-2具有CARDINAL类型,可以在16位微型计算机中容纳0到65535之间的任何整数。 Is there any data type in java that closely resembles CARDINAL? Java中是否有任何与CARDINAL非常相似的数据类型? I know custom data type can be created in java for this purpose. 我知道可以为此目的在Java中创建自定义数据类型。

I have heard that there is going to be unsigned integer arithmetic API in java 8. But I want to know if there exists one before java 8. 我听说Java 8中将有一个无符号整数算术API,但是我想知道在Java 8之前是否存在一个。

char: The char data type is a single 16-bit Unicode character. char:char数据类型是单个16位Unicode字符。 It has a minimum value of '\' (or 0) and a maximum value of '\￿' (or 65,535 inclusive). 它的最小值为'\\ u0000'(或0),最大值为'\\ uffff'(或65,535(含))。

Read about primitive data types here . 在此处阅读有关原始数据类型的信息

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